[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Based on Categorized Guild Bank, this addon allows users to make requests for guild bank items

Moderator: Averen

[V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:41 pm

1st point, I thought I had done that but it seems I didn't.

2nd point, I'm not sure if you can tell if a player has uploaded but I'll have a look.
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[V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby sileed » Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:40 pm

This is really starting to take shape, nice work.

I would suggest leaving us some more documentation on what happens when you Deny a request however. Based on your test site, when a request is denied, the items do not reappear in the bank for another person to request them. Perhaps you are working on that :)

Might I suggest you group the history by Date (of accept or deny) and then by User.
Also documentation on when/how the history file is reset would be nice too :)

Keep at it, this has real potential :)
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Re: [V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Snakebit » Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:42 pm

If the name appears in roster_players table, I believe they have uploaded a profile. If that is true, it might be something as simple as to check if the requestor's name appears in the roster_players table.

I know these are things that we can modify on our own site and I am willing to do it, just thought there might be others out there that might like the feature.

Maybe the history could be presented in a more spread out format. Here is a chopped and static version from your demo: http://www.silent-vendetta.net/roster/addon_m.htm

BTW, your mod of the bank will save me a ton of work; Kudos to you!!!
Last edited by Snakebit on Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:14 pm

<SNIP> Removed because updated version appears below <SNIP>
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[V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:23 am

I'm currently working on a whole new layout for history, because I hate the current one too. ;)

I'll also work on some better documentation too.
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Re: [V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Malkom » Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:47 am

Hi everbody,

I've just discover this mod and it's simply essential for a roster and a guild bank !!! :thumright:

I'm french and I have translated the mod ;)

Here it is :

Code: Select all
$wordings['frFR']['guildbank_request'] = 'Banque - Réservation';
$wordings['frFR']['guildbank_history'] = 'Banque - Historique';
$wordings['frFR']['guildbank_admin'] = 'Banque - Admin';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_request'] = 'Réservation';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_history'] = 'Historique';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_admin'] = 'Admin';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_password'] = 'Mot de Passe';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_submit'] = 'Ok';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_login'] = 'Accès';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_no_action'] = 'Ceci est une action impossible.';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_no_item'] = 'Aucun objets sélectionnés, veuillez retourner et essayer encore.';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_char'] = "Personnage";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_amount'] = "Nombre";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_comp'] = "Réservation Complète";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_err_toobig'] = "Désolé, il n'y pas ce nombre dans la banque.";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_err_amount'] = "Le nombre manque.";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_err_name'] = "Le nom manque";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_err_notinbank'] = "Cet objet n'est pas dans la banque.";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_err_password'] = "Le mot de passe est incorrect.";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_accept'] = "Accepté ";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_deny'] = "Refusé ";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_note'] = "Note";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_all'] = "Tout";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_filter'] = "Filtre";

I have also find a problem... same as Kaleyn, that the mod say "this item isn't in the bank"....

It's working fine whith the first bank character but not with the others... we are 3 bank character.

Also, history.php have tu use localization.php for the translation of header.

Finally, when denied an request item, the item don't go back on the bank.

So good joob Averen and good bravery for futur development :mrgreen:
Last edited by Malkom on Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Slytwo » Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:28 am

Kaleyn! Good job as always. Thanks for a nice addition.
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Re: [V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:37 pm

Malkom wrote:I have also find a problem... same as Kaleyn, that the mod say "this item isn't in the bank"....

It's working fine whith the first bank character but not with the others... we are 3 bank character.

Averen wrote this to me in a PM, but it fixed the problem I was having, as described above. Though it removed those items that had the error "this item isn't in the bank" completely from the bank characters. You may need to upload the your character again after doing this to completely fix.

Averen wrote:Try deleting all items with blank ids

Run this SQL query on the roster database:

Code: Select all
DELETE FROM roster_items WHERE length(item_id) < 1

And kudos goes to Averen for all his hard work =)
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Re: [V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Malkom » Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:54 pm

So I've just to run the SQL query on the roster database and upload again the bank character ?
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Re: [V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Slytwo » Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:31 pm

How are you all using this??

Ok I kinda asked this questions earlier but it must have gotten brushed over. The way I see it, player A logs into guild bank, left clicks on item, request the item. Guildmaster now logs in, must check the Admin button .. what .. once a day? to see if someone is requesting an item. How about we "lit" the button up (say turn the lettering green) if there was a request in the mod? This way Admin / Guilmaster would not have to keep checking for requests.

Ok Admin approves the item. Now the banker or in our case bankers, must check the history each day to see if there is a needed approved item. How about we once again "light up" the History lettering to green letting everyone know there is a requested item that needs to be filled. Of course we now need a button when item is filled to turn off the light. The Admin light could be hooked to the Approve or Deny button to turn it off.

How are you guys using this? Does these suggestions make sense? Can they be programed?

Thanks for all the great work erveryone has put iinto this MOd.
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[V1.0.2] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:14 pm

It doesn't work like that, the banker approves the transfer. The history is just to see past requests.

The banker brings up admin list (thats why the bank admin pass and main roster pass are different)
The banker see list, filters it by bank char, logs on to respective char and sends out the stuff and clicks the checks the tickboxes.
When he/she is done they hit submit.
They then repeat with any other bank toon.

Cheers for the French version Malkom!
And yeh, run the SQL then upload. Make sure you have the patches from the WoW2.0.3 thread!
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Re: [V1.0.3] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:44 pm

New version!
Last edited by Averen on Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [V1.0.3] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:14 pm

Awsome Averen!

This is great...fixes everything. Looking forward to the new history table layouts.


Is it possible to put a filter on the History screen? To be able to filter by requestor, bank, and/or a date range would be fantastic, and would make it easier for those with multiple people running banks in the guild to segregate what affects them and what does not.

When a request is made, would it be possible to have it hidden from the history screen until it is either denied or approved?
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Re: [V1.0.3] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:24 pm

<SNIP> Removed, new version appears below. <SNIP>
Last edited by kaleyn on Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [V1.0.3] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Malkom » Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:02 am

Thanks Averen and Kaleyn ^^

The return of item in the bank is working fine now....

Just 2 little things in history :

- is it possible to not write the header text in hard in the file history.php... for localization ;)

- is it possible to increase the item column, so it will be more beautiful :mrgreen: beacuse look items and theirs names in my history table : History Page

Good job...
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