[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Based on Categorized Guild Bank, this addon allows users to make requests for guild bank items

Moderator: Averen

Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Terisa » Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:42 pm

We have this mod installed for our bank (and the BC fix added a couple of posts ago), but several things don't show up in our bank listing, such as Motes, Primals, Fel Armaments, Marks of Sargeras/Kil'Jaeden. IS there something we're doing wrong here?
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Zovyn » Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:09 pm

Terisa wrote:We have this mod installed for our bank (and the BC fix added a couple of posts ago), but several things don't show up in our bank listing, such as Motes, Primals, Fel Armaments, Marks of Sargeras/Kil'Jaeden. IS there something we're doing wrong here?

I have the same problems, my guess is it is still buggy as far as BC items go.
Last edited by Zovyn on Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Borsti » Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:21 pm

Zovyn wrote:
Terisa wrote:We have this mod installed for our bank (and the BC fix added a couple of posts ago), but several things don't show up in our bank listing, such as Motes, Primals, Fel Armaments, Marks of Sargeras/Kil'Jaeden. IS there something we're doing wrong here?

I have the same problems, my guess is it is still buggy as far as BC items go.

please take a look to conf.php

Code: Select all
$display_order = array(20,21,22,18,3,4,5,6,7,8,31,19,1,2,11,12,15,17,16,14,13,32,
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby shan_aya » Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:34 pm

- can you add section as resquest and completed named Sendind (for ie) : "donkey/bank member" can write that they have sending item after "The Banker" has validate resquet ? and data is deleted from completed to sending... ( perhaps we can change completed to Approved )

nobodies ? ^^
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Sleemz » Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:24 pm

tuigii wrote:[This post handles the Guild Bank Add On with item request facilities]

Some item requests gave me a strange results :
Notice: Undefined variable: itemdata in /..... ..../roster/addons/guildbank/request.php on line 313
Cet objet n'est pas dans la banque.

{usUS Error : [....]['gb_err_notinbank'] = "That item is not in the guild/bank."}
I'm using the frFR version. And please note that the line number can be somewhat different - I'm patching arround :cyclops:
I'm pretty sure that this isn't a localization related error.

What happens :
This line (in request.php) :
$query = "SELECT member.name as member_name, member.member_id as member_id, item.* FROM `".ROSTER_ITEMSTABLE."` as item LEFT JOIN `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` as member ON item.member_id=member.member_id WHERE item.item_id LIKE '".$itemid.":%' AND member.".$roster_conf['banker_fieldname']." LIKE '%".$roster_conf['banker_rankname']."%' AND item.item_parent!='bags' AND item.item_parent!='equip' AND item.item_tooltip NOT LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_soulbound']."%' ORDER BY item.item_name";

should be
$query = "SELECT member.name as member_name, member.member_id as member_id, item.* FROM `".ROSTER_ITEMSTABLE."` as item LEFT JOIN `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` as member ON item.member_id=member.member_id WHERE item.item_id LIKE '".$itemid.":%' AND member.".$roster_conf['banker_fieldname']." LIKE '%".$roster_conf['banker_rankname']."%' AND item.item_parent!='bags' AND item.item_parent!='equip' AND (item.item_tooltip NOT LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_soulbound']."%' OR item.item_tooltip LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_boe']."%') ORDER BY item.item_name";

{this line has to be replaced twice...}

Didn't even have to type it : copied it right from de gbank.php file, where the same SQL SELECT can be found.

The final issue is : the SELECT has to exclude bank-items that are soulbound but not the ones that are soulbound when equiped.
Is is quit logic, one can't transfer a soulbound items anyway. They shoudn't be in the bank sacs of a bank character.

The SELECTing goes well now : no more errors when requesting an item by our membres.

It's solved for me ..

This is one hell of a Add On : Pleegwat : I also vote for a separte forum and Download Section.

solution is in localization.php

just have to add:
Code: Select all
$wordings['frFR']['tooltip_boe']='Lié quand équipé';
$wordings['frFR']['tooltip_bou']='Lié quand utilisé';

add the end of the file.

and it's will work fine :)
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby shan_aya » Fri May 11, 2007 12:07 am

i have just a little "bug"
all request are marqued as completed but with this date : 01/01/1970
after they are REALY completed, date is changing and is ok
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Ohlo » Sat May 12, 2007 9:23 am

Anyone have a mod for the guildbank that seperates armor by type? (ie: leather, cloth, etc)

If not, I'll go ahead and try to make one.
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Bawz » Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:31 am

Not sure if anyone else ran into this problem? When trying to request an Item, I would get the message that "That item is not in the guildbank." I checked the bank and the source tables and the item I was trying to request was indeed there.

After some digging around here's what I came up with. The "item" variable passed in the URL when you click on an item to request it, was not getting the HTML characters converted back to colons. So when the query was parsed by the request.php it was attempting to search the items table for an item with the HTML characters.

Code: Select all
   // Construct the image with a URL and put the colored border around it
   if ($color_border)
      $returnstr .=  '<a href="/index.php?name=WoWRosterDF&amp;file=addon&amp;roster_addon_name=guildbank&amp;action=request&amp;item='.urlencode(utf8_decode($real_itemid)).'">'."\n\t\t\t".'<img src="'.$roster_conf['interface_url'].$item_texture.'.'.$roster_conf['img_suffix'].'" class="'.$item_quality.'" alt="'.$itemrow['item_name'].'"></a>';
      $returnstr .=  '<a href="/index.php?name=WoWRosterDF&amp;file=addon&amp;roster_addon_name=guildbank&amp;action=request&amp;item='.urlencode(utf8_decode($real_itemid)).'">'."\n\t\t\t".'<img src="'.$roster_conf['interface_url'].$item_texture.'.'.$roster_conf['img_suffix'].'" alt="'.$itemrow['item_name'].'"></a>';

Code that converts characters into HTML strings for the request link gbank.php;

Code: Select all

Code that converts HTML strings back to colons request.php;

Code: Select all

In my case the htmlspecialchars was not converting the HTML strings back to colons.

I removed the urlencode and htmlspecialchars passing the data with the colons. I don't think the colons are proper url formatting but that's the only way I could get my to work.

Any ideas as to why I might be having this problem would be helpful.
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:43 am

Code: Select all
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby zanix » Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:00 am

This has been moved to it's own section
- Guildbank Request

I would have moved it sooner but I had forgotten about this modification to cat. guildbank
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Bawz » Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:10 pm

Averen, thanks. That did the trick. =)
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Obeba » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:38 am

Bonjour à tous, j'ai un soucis avec ces deux items qui ne veulent pas se mettre à leur place voir ici. C'est la glande croc d'effroi et le sansam doré, si quelqu'un pouvais me renseigner ça serait cool. Merci d'avance

Code: Select all
$wordings['herbs']['frFR'] =
array("Aciérite sauvage", "Terrestrine","Soleillette","Aveuglette", "Chardonnier",
"Feuillargent", "Eglantine", "Etouffante", "Mage royal", "Hivernale", "Doulourante",
"Coeur de fauve", "Pacifique", "Moustache de Khadgar", "Lotus Pourpre",  "Vietérule",
"Pâlerette", "Sauge-argent des montagnes", "Vignesang", "Lotus Noir", "Larmes d'Arthas",
"Champignon fantôme", "Dorépine", "Gromsang", "Sansam doré", "Calot de glace",
"Fleur de peste", "Feuillerêve", "Fibre d'aurore", "Fleur de feu", "Sang-royal", "Tombeline",
"Sauvageonne", "Lichen ancien", "Glaurier", "Gangrelotus", "Gangrelette", "Chardon de mana", "Néantine",
"Cauchemardelle", "Voile-misère", "Terocône","Chapeflamme");

Code: Select all
$wordings['rep']['frFR'] =
array( "Chevalière Solfurie", "Chevalière Aile-de-feu", "Marque de Sargeras", "Marque de Kil'jaeden", "Tome des arcanes", "Arme gangrenée", "Hibiscus sanguin",
"Chapeluisant", "Spores fertiles", "Sac de spores à maturité", "Vrille de seigneur-tourbe", "Glande à venin croc-d'effroi", "Morceaux de plantes non identifiées");
Last edited by Obeba on Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Onii » Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:35 pm

Hey guys,
I tried to install this addon, install went without any problem.
But when i hit the "admin" button, i get those errors :

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/mnt/150/sda/1/5/eyesoul/sessions/sess_d36518d705ba237ae80f83960e81dee8, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in /mnt/150/sda/1/5/eyesoul/roster/addons/guildbank/admin.php on line 7

Warning: Unknown(): open(/mnt/150/sda/1/5/eyesoul/sessions/sess_d36518d705ba237ae80f83960e81dee8, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown(): Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/mnt/150/sda/1/5/eyesoul/sessions) in Unknown on line 0

Any idea someone ?

Thanks in advance ^^.
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Re: Guildbank Request Mod

Postby TankGirl » Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:17 pm

I also use Guild banker, and wish Webroster guild bank could pull the bank item list from that instead of CP/GP.
Since with GuildBanker it allows you to give credit to members for donating, set prices, allows viewing complete inventory in game, it also allows me to use "storage banks" that aren't in guild and tracks the locations of items.
I believe they've stop development on the Guild Banker, but it's original developer has it here.
I seriously think that this would be a HUGE addition to the WoW Roster system.
This also has a parsing EXE so you can pull and manually upload web page inventory, but it's lacking the flexibility and functionality of a mysql DB.
With the addition of a request system, I'd be in guild bank heaven lol
BTW this would also work with guild bank npc's since this doesn't just "scan" a bank, each item is "deposited" into the Guild Banker database.
We intent to keep this system but use the extra space of the GB NPC (588 total slots).

Sprakeloos wrote:I'll try to explain a bit more.

Once in a while there are discussion started by people that don't 'trust' the person(s) holding the bank.
It would be nice if everyone in the guild could see one way or the other what people send to the bank and what others take out of it.
Couple of days ago I've stumbled across GuildBanker which tries to do something like that.
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Re: Guildbank Request Mod

Postby tuigii » Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:23 pm

Please note that the upcoming 2.3.0 WoW update will change this subjet completly.

Drop in overhere : http://boards.worldofraids.com/topic-8292-1.html
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