works like a charm
i just realized that there is a slight problem if there are guildmates using a different languageversion of the game. as i might already have noticed some of my guildmates use the english version on german servers. therefor these characters have english info, skill and recipes. because of that these chars are not displayed in the recipelist as the addon is just looking for the craftingskills in one language.
i think it would be not to difficult to make the addon multilanguage capable. the hardest thing will be to synchronise the recipes in the different languages. but i think this is not nesseccary. i would personaly be happy if i would have a link that informs me that there are other chars that can do e.g. leatherworking in stead of "Lederverarbeitung". Perhaps making a link which says "More recipes from characters using a different languageversion can be found <link>here</link>"