1.7.2 uploader not working right?

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

1.7.2 uploader not working right?

Postby Lirae » Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:31 am

Not sure the source of this but we updated our Wowroster from 1.7.1->1.7.2 and also used GuildProfiler v2.0.3.

What resulted when things were returned was a mess, specifically in the guild_rank/guild_title column. The guild_titles were actually the guild_ranks. And the guild_ranks look like they didn't update at all from last time (as we had some members move from one level to another and I can still see in the db the old guild_rank # in guild_rank).

Did I do something wrong in my upgrade or is there some compatibility issue with the new GuildProfiler? I followed the instructions for using the upgrade.php, replaced all files in the main directory, etc etc.
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1.7.2 uploader not working right?

Postby ds » Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:44 am

I just updated my Roster with 2.0.3 of the Character Profiler and Guild Profiler. I cannot see any problems with it. I did (out of habit) do a /cp purge all before I captured my data. /cp purge all wipes everything and starts fresh. Maybe give that a shot?
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Re: 1.7.2 uploader not working right?

Postby Lirae » Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:57 am

Found my error. Somehow I missed updating my lib files :P. Thanks for the help though.
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Re: 1.7.2 uploader not working right?

Postby Deckyon » Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:17 am

Wierd, I am getting the same thing with a clean install of 1.7.2 and profilers 2.0.4. I have issues with bags, bank, keys, ranks, quests, profession materials and more. Some things show up, some do not.

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Re: 1.7.2 uploader not working right?

Postby ClearlyLivid » Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:23 am

Myself I am having the same issue, I've tried upgrading from 1.7.1 and a fresh install and in both cases I get quest errors when uploading profile data as well as the same issues with keys, bags, etc.
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