[REQUEST] Promotion Monitor

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[REQUEST] Promotion Monitor

Postby Ulminia » Wed Apr 04, 2007 4:11 am

i think kalvin borrowed some of your code for the gp as it loges promotions demotions and joins and quits thats where this data is comming from lol all most have trhe time and date things figured out ial be uploading to a more stable online roster the only reasion some people can not see it is it is hosted at home here and i have some dns issues with my current isp
Ulminia of Zangarmarsh
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Re: [REQUEST] Promotion Monitor

Postby IslandStyle » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:25 am

what ever happened to this? - i'm interested in it also.
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[REQUEST] Promotion Monitor

Postby Ulminia » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:51 am

im worken away on it its allmost ready if you wana check my site http://roster-no-ip.org and click on gmpl under addons and have a loot at how it looks
Ulminia of Zangarmarsh
Zonous of Zangarmarsh
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[REQUEST] Promotion Monitor

Postby nooo » Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:07 pm

hello. is there any progress with that? I'm interested too but can't get access to your site...
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[REQUEST] Promotion Monitor

Postby Ulminia » Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:38 am

The gmpl as i have dubed it had taken a back burner for a minit as 1.8 will be out soon and i see no reasion to continu coding for 1.7 when 1.8 will be here soon i have the database done and the update codes and triggers ready just need to get the installer interface ready for the 1.8 when i release the first beta ial have zanix make me a forum folder and we can do fixes there
Ulminia of Zangarmarsh
Zonous of Zangarmarsh
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