DF Noob question, about usergroups

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DF Noob question, about usergroups

Postby johnnydement » Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:41 am

Ok, I'm triing to make usergruops, but I don't seem to understand how phpbb worls (long time IPB user :D)

I would like to create 3 usergroups, and 3 forum categories...

usergroups would be:
aplicants: for people waiting to be accepted in guild
members: for those accepted
and officers: for guild leaders

and forums would be:
public: wrowsable for everybody including guest, and postable form aplicants up
guilidies: for members up
and officers: just for officers...

Where I find masks for this in DF?
I just have in usergroups pforum permissions to make the mods or not... and in forum permissions in forum admin, is the menu I think I need to use, but I dunno how to make relation between the options it offers me (ALL, REG, PRIVATE, MOD, ADMIN) with my usergroups... I mean for guidies channel, I have the problem, cause both aplicants and members are REG (I guess)... what are private? where can I change user (or better usergroup) to PR, MOD, ADMIN? Is there a way to add more?

Thx for help, and sorry if this is not the place to ask... guessed as you all run guildsites would be able to help :D
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DF Noob question, about usergroups

Postby bbj911 » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:21 am

create your groups ( main menu on the left )

create your forums, but make them all private.

then go assign the groups permissions to the various forums. Its a tad hidden, but keep an eye on the menu on the left. Its context sensitive and changes depending on which area youre in.

once the groups are assigned to forums, assign the users to the groups.
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DF Noob question, about usergroups

Postby johnnydement » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:31 am

ahh, nice, I see :)

thx for help... isn't there a way to do it for categoriews instead of forums? would be much faster :D

Also, is it possible to decide which usergroup new members should go in?

It's obvious I'm even dumber that what I look :/

how do I assing users to groups? :scratch:
Last edited by johnnydement on Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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DF Noob question, about usergroups

Postby johnnydement » Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:46 am

Managed thx :)

next question would be about site admin... is it possible to make that officers group admins? or ahve to do one on one?
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