MadeBy version Uploaded

Guild listing of known recipes

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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby ds » Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:38 pm

Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:31 pm by ds001

+ Added more support for non english rosters
+ Fixed array_unique() warning and empty recipe list warnings
+ more code optimizations

Still need help localizing FR and DE; will display in English if not translated yet.

Can be found in the Download area.

I attempted to create working Enchantment subtypes for FR and DE using Google Translator. They might work (I doubt it though). You can find the RegEx Patterns in the localization file for the addon. If someone wants to fix the patterns so they work and post them here that would be great. Or give me examples of what I am looking for and I'll make the RegEx.

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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby SethDeBlade » Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:55 pm

very cool update :cool:

@ds001 if you want to see it working in german please click here and select "Verzauberkunst" or "Schneiderei"
What does the regex do?? if i would understand it i would perhaby be able to help you ;)

edit: here the german translation
Code: Select all
// -- installer
$wordings['deDE']['MadeBy_install_header']   = 'Rezeptesuche Installer';
$wordings['deDE']['MadeBy_install_msg']     = 'Die Rezeptesuchetabellen sind noch nicht installiert. Klicke auf Install im die Installation zu starten';
$wordings['deDE']['MadeBy_upgrade_msg']     = 'Die Rezeptesuchetabellen sind nicht aktuell. Klicke Update um die Datenbank zu aktualisieren oder klicke Install um die Tabellen zu löschen und neu zu installieren.';
$wordings['deDE']['MadeBy_no_upgrade_msg']  = 'Die Rezeptesuchetabellen sind nicht schon aktualisiert. Klicke Reinstall um die Tabellen neu zu installieren.';
$wordings['deDE']['MadeBy_installed_msg']   = 'Gratuliert, die Rezeptsuche wurde erfolgreich installiert. Klicke auf den untenstehenden Link um das Addon zu konfigurieren.';
$wordings['deDE']['MadeBy_NoAction_msg']   = 'Nichts kann mit der gewählten Aktion gemacht werden!';
$wordings['deDE']['MadeBy_Configure_txt']   = 'Gehe zur Rezeptesuchekonfiguration';

// -- [ Configuation Page ]
// Page names
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['display']      = 'Anzeige Konfiguration';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['recipe']      = 'Rezept Konfiguration';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['recipe_maint']   = 'Recept Tabellenwartung';

// display config
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['display_recipe_icon'] = 'Rezepticon|Möchtest du das Rezepticon anzeigen?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['display_recipe_name'] = 'Rezeptnamen|Möchtest du die Rezeptnamen anzeigen?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['display_recipe_level'] = 'Rezeptlevel|Möchtest du das Rezeptlevel anzeigen?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['display_recipe_tooltip'] = 'Rezept-Tooltip|Möchtest du den Rezept-Tooltip anzeigen?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['display_recipe_type'] = 'Rezeptype|Möchtest du den Rezeptype anzeigen?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['display_recipe_reagents'] = 'Rezeptreagens|Möchtest du die Rezeptreagenzien anzeigen?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['display_recipe_makers'] = 'Rezepthersteller|Möchtest du die Rezepthersteller anzeigen?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['display_recipe_makers_count'] = 'Hersteller pro Zeile|Wieviele Hersteller pro Zeile?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['display_prof_bar']   =   'Berufetextzeile|Möchtest du die Berufetextzeile anzeigen?';

// recipe config
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['Schmiedekunst'] = 'Schmiedekunst|Möchtest du es erlauben, dass Schmiedekunst angezeigt wird?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['Bergbau'] = 'Bergbau|Möchtest du es erlauben, dass Bergbau angezeigt wird?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['Alchimie'] = 'Alchimie|Möchtest du es erlauben, dass Alchimie angezeigt wird?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['Lederverarbeitung'] = 'Lederverarbeitung|Möchtest du es erlauben, dass Lederverarbeitung angezeigt wird?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['Schneiderei'] = 'Schneiderei|Möchtest du es erlauben, dass Schneiderei angezeigt wird?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['Verzauberkunst'] = 'Verzauberkunst|Möchtest du es erlauben, dass Verzauberkunst angezeigt wird?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['Ingenieurskunst'] = 'Ingenieurskunst|Möchtest du es erlauben, dass Ingenieurskunst angezeigt wird?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['Kochkunst'] = 'Kochkunst|Möchtest du es erlauben, dass Kochkunst angezeigt wird?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['Erste Hilfe'] = 'Erste Hilfe|Möchtest du es erlauben, dass Erste Hilfe angezeigt wird?';
$wordings['deDE']['admin']['Gifte'] = 'Gifte|Möchtest du es erlauben, dass Gifte angezeigt wird?';
Last edited by SethDeBlade on Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby Yoshette » Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:31 am

Ok concerning the french translation.

First version, but could have problems with Engineering (Because of the french name in the database) and Enchanting (because of the regexp).
I'm neither Engineer nor Enchant maker. I'n going to test that tomorrow woth some guildies. Wait for update.

Code: Select all
// translated to frFR from enUS by Harut/Yoshette
$wordings['frFR']['MadeBy'] = 'Objets d\'artisanat';
$wordings['frFR']['professionfilter'] = 'Filtre de profession:';
$wordings['frFR']['itemdescription'] = 'Description de l\'objet:';
$wordings['frFR']['whocanmakeit'] = 'Artisants';
$wordings['frFR']['dnotpopulatelist'] = 'Liste vide';
$wordings['frFR']['applybutton']= 'Appliquer';

// -- needs to be translated to frFR in english as a place holder.
// -- installer
$wordings['frFR']['MadeBy_install_header']   = 'Installateur Objets d\'artisanat';
$wordings['frFR']['MadeBy_install_msg']     = 'Les tables Objets d\'artisanat n\'ont pas encore été installé. Cliquez sur Install pour commencer l\'installation.';
$wordings['frFR']['MadeBy_upgrade_msg']     = 'Les tables Objets d\'artisanat ne sont pas à jour. Cliquez sur Updade pour mettre à la base de données ou cliquez sur Install pour effacer et recréer les tables Objets d\'artisanat.';
$wordings['frFR']['MadeBy_no_upgrade_msg']  = 'Les tables Objets d\'artisanat sont déjà à jour. Cliquez sur Reinstall pour reinstaller les tables.';
$wordings['frFR']['MadeBy_installed_msg']   = 'Félicitations, Objets d\'artisanat a été installé avec succès. Cliquez sur le lien ci dessous pour le configurer.';
$wordings['frFR']['MadeBy_NoAction_msg']   = 'Rien ne peut être fait avec l\'action demandée !';
$wordings['frFR']['MadeBy_Configure_txt']   = 'Allez à la Configuration Objets d\'artisanat';

// -- [ Configuation Page ]
// Page names
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['display']      = 'Configuration d\'Affichage';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['recipe']      = 'Configuration des Recettes';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['recipe_maint']   = 'Maintenance de la table Recette';

// display config
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['display_recipe_icon'] = 'Icone Recette|Voulez vous afficher les Icones des Recettes ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['display_recipe_name'] = 'Noms Recette|Voulez vous afficher les Noms des Recettes ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['display_recipe_level'] = 'Niveau Recette|Voulez vous afficher les Niveaux des Recettes ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['display_recipe_tooltip'] = 'Tooltip Recette|Voulez vous afficher le Tooltip des Recettes ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['display_recipe_type'] = 'Type Recette|Voulez vous afficher le Type des Recettes ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['display_recipe_reagents'] = 'Réactifs Recette|Voulez vous afficher les Réactifs des Recettes ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['display_recipe_makers'] = 'Crafteurs Recette|Voulez vous afficher les Crafteurs des Recettes ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['display_recipe_makers_count'] = 'Crafteurs par ligne|Combien de crafeurs voulez vous afficher par ligne ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['display_prof_bar']   =   'Barre Textuelle de Progression|Voulez vous afficher la Barre Textuelles de Progression ?';

// recipe config
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['Forge'] = 'Forge|Voulez vous autoriser la Forge à être affichée ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['Minage'] = 'Minage|Voulez vous autoriser le Minage à être affiché ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['Alchimie'] = 'Alchimie|Voulez vous autoriser l\'Alchimie à être affichée ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['Travail du cuir'] = 'Travail du cuir|Voulez vous autoriser le Travail du cuir à être affiché ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['Couture'] = 'Couture|Voulez vous autoriser la Couture à être affichée ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['Enchantement'] = 'Enchantement|Voulez vous autoriser l\'Enchantement à être affiché ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['Ingénierie'] = 'Ingénierie|Voulez vous autoriser l\'Ingénierie à être affichée ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['Cuisine'] = 'Cuisine|Voulez vous autoriser la Cuisine à être affichée ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['Secourisme'] = 'Secourisme|Voulez vous autoriser le Secourisme à être affiché ?';
$wordings['frFR']['admin']['Poisons'] = 'Poisons|Voulez vous autoriser les Poisons à être affichés ?';
// Patterns RegEx
$wordings['frFR']['REGEX_WAND_ROD_OILS']    = '/\b(baguette magique|baguette mystique|huile)\b/i';  // wands, rods or oils
$wordings['frFR']['REGEX_ENCHANTMENTS']    = '/ench\. (d\'arme 2M|d\'arme|.+) \(.+\)/i';  // am i even close? :)
Last edited by Yoshette on Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby Yoshette » Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:06 pm

Ok the Engineer part is working. Waiting for review of the Enchant part.
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Re: MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby ds » Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:13 pm

This is what the RegEx patterns do for the Enchanting page:

Main idea: When an enchanting recipe is parsed by the Addon it tries to assign it a better 'Recipe_Type' then the default of 'Enchanting'.
It does this by looking at the Enchanting Recipe's name.
For english this works very well because all wands have the word 'wand' in them,
rods have the word 'rod' in them and oils have the word 'oil' in them.

The following RegEx does the above:
Code: Select all
$wordings['enUS']['REGEX_WAND_ROD_OILS']  = '/\b(rod|wand|oil)\b/i'

When it finds the word rod, wand or oil it will change the recipe_type of that recipe to the corresponding value.

If the addon fails to find a Rod, Wand, or Oil it will try this RegEx:
Code: Select all
$wordings['enUS']['REGEX_ENCHANTMENTS'] = '/\benchant\b\s([2a-z ]+)\s-\s.+/i'

That will match a line that looks like this:
Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength

It looks for the word 'Enchant' and returns a string upto a '-'.
In the above example it would return a value of 'Gloves' to the addon and it would assign a recipe_type of 'Gloves'.

If the addon fails to match both of the above RegEx it will assign a recipe_type of "Items"; ie enchantments like "Enchanted Thorium"
and "Smoking Heart of the Mountain" will get placed here.

So that is the logic. Let me know if this sort of logic will work for DE/FR.
I am also willing to "make it work" if I need too.. I just need to know what string(s) i need to look for and such.
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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby SethDeBlade » Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:53 pm

ah, ok, now i understand. the korrekt string for german would be
Code: Select all
$wordings['deDE']['REGEX_WAND_ROD_OILS']    = '/\b(runenverzierte|mystikerzauberstab|magiezauberstab|öl)\b/i';

But the some strings are not optimal to look for:
1.) e.g. enchantskill "Runenverzierte Silberrute" which means in english "Runed Silver Rod".
Looking for "runenverzierte" (runed) is not the characteristic part of this skill it would be "rute" (rod). But as rute is part of a word (Silberrute) it is not found by the addon if entered. I dont know if it is possible to make the addon looking for "rute" in german enchants but this would be best. The enchanttype then would be "Ruten" (plural of Rute).

2.) Oil ( German Öl):
The "german oils" are found correctly but the plural (for the enchanttyp) is not Öls but Öle. I'm sorry for that buts it is like like it is ;) :)

3.) concerning point 1 and the "part of a word thing". I just realized that "öl" is a part of a word as well (e.g. "Hervorragendes Manaöl" in english "Brilliant Mana Oil") but there it works where as inserting "rute" for "runenverzierte" makes the "rods" to "items".

:scratch: i hope you still understand what i have posted ;)
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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby ds » Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:08 pm


I think we can fix this problem by changing the REGEX_WAND_ROD_OILS pattern a little.
Remove the tokens \b (this mean that it will match whole words only).
And if we are looking for "rute" in another word then we will want to remove the \b.

I will add code to pluralize them correctly. Thank you for the language lesson. :)

Let me know how he Addon works with removing \b \b.
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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby Yoshette » Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:57 pm

You're so lucky. In French, they put 'accented' characters everywhere. I'm going to check how are the enchant coded in the database. I'll give you the new reg exp after.
Last edited by Yoshette on Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby SethDeBlade » Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:21 pm

that worked :) Have a look here
the next thing i dont understand is that the enchanttype rute and öl start with small letters instead of large ones as the other types do. is this because the searchwords are part of the string and start with small letters in the string.

About the lamguage lesson: you are welcome ;)
Do you think you can make the addon write the correct plural for "rute" and "öl"??
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Re: MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby ds » Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:32 pm

SethDeBlade wrote:@ds001
that worked :) Have a look here
the next thing i dont understand is that the enchanttype rute and öl start with small letters instead of large ones as the other types do. is this because the searchwords are part of the string and start with small letters in the string.

About the lamguage lesson: you are welcome ;)
Do you think you can make the addon write the correct plural for "rute" and "öl"??

It will require some code changes to fix up the rest of the issues. I will make the changes and post the changed files for you to test before I make a new version.
I also hope to have results of the French stuff from Yoshette by the time I release another version.

Thank you both for helping me with the Localizations and testing! :thumleft:
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Re: MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby ds » Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:26 pm


Attached is the corrections for Enchantments that we talked about above. It should work. Let me know how it goes and please post the final RegEx's you are using so I can get them in the official localization file.

Thanks again,

Test file for SethDeBlade.
Overwrite the file madeby/lib/recipe.lib.php with the attached file.
(1.82 KiB) Downloaded 388 times
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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby SethDeBlade » Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:40 am

with "Ruten" it works great (see link above)
"Öl" is still written with small capital and the correct plural would be "Öle"

the "final" regex i use is
Code: Select all
$wordings['deDE']['REGEX_WAND_ROD_OILS']    = '/(rute|zauberstab|öl)/i';

i merged the "mystikerzauberstab" (Mystic Wand) and "magiezauberstab" (Magic Wand) into "zauberstab" (wand) so that they are in one subtype.

i think the only thing to do for german localization would be to insert the correct plural for öl -> Öle and Zauberstab -> Zauberstäbe

one question: how are the spells sorted in the subtypes?? right now it seems a litte "randomized" ^^
Last edited by SethDeBlade on Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby Yoshette » Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:13 am

Still waiting than someone with enchanting update his character. I hope to have this during the day (time zone difference).

I'm going to ask again for testers now.
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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby Yoshette » Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:03 pm

okkk finally.

the regex is this one:

Code: Select all
$wordings['frFR']['REGEX_WAND_ROD_OILS']    = '/\b(baguette magique|baguette mystique|bâtonnet runique|huile)\b/i';
$wordings['frFR']['REGEX_ENCHANTMENTS']    = '/ench\. (d\'arme 2M|d\'arme|.+) \(.+\)/i';

(UTF8 of course)
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MadeBy version Uploaded

Postby Yoshette » Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:08 pm

Here is the example.

If you want to merge the magic and mystic wand, the regex will be :

Code: Select all
$wordings['frFR']['REGEX_WAND_ROD_OILS']    = '/\b(baguette|bâtonnet runique|huile)\b/i';
$wordings['frFR']['REGEX_ENCHANTMENTS']    = '/ench\. (d\'arme 2M|d\'arme|.+) \(.+\)/i';
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