Not Found - Roster URL - Cannot locate the files...

Installation issues with WoWRoster

Not Found - Roster URL - Cannot locate the files...

Postby Unholyfire » Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:11 am

Hi Everyone,

I am asking for some help. I am sure it is something very simple and my brain is just over complicating the issue, but after 7 or 8 re-installs and playing around with the URL path settings, I give up.

So here are the details.

Step one: I created a subdomain on my webserver called guildroster. The subdomain was create fine.

Step two: I uploaded all the files into the subdomain folder. According to my ftp program guildroster folder is under /public_html/guildroster. So I uploaded the contents of the roster file into this directory after extracting them on my own computer.

Step Three: I type
d in the url for the roster install file.

I got a lovely install screen that said the following for step one:

This: 1.7.2
Latest: 1.7.2

PHP Info
View phpinfo()
PHP Version: Using: 4.4.4 Required: 4.3.0+
MySQL Module: Available: Yes Required: Yes
GD Module: Available: Yes Required: Optional

I then get to the second step of the installation part

Database Configuration
Database Type: MySQL 4/5
Default Locale: English
Database host: localhost
Database name: bartosz_roster2
Database username: bartosz_roster
Database password: Not getting this part :)
Prefix for Roster DB tables: roster_
Roster URL Path: /public_html/guildroster
Main Site URL:

I then proceed to step three...

Installation Note

MySQL client and server versions 4.1.0 or higher and MyISAM table support are required for Roster.

You are running

* server version - 5.0.27-standard
* client version - 5.0.27

MySQL versions less than 4.1.0 may not work and are not supported.
Versions less than 4.1.0 may have unexpected issues, and we will not provide support for these installations.

And then...

Roster Admin Configuration
Roster Admin Password: Not entering here
Roster Admin Password [ confirm ]: Not entering here

Then unto step for, which is the conf.php file.


$db_host = "localhost";
$db_name = "bartosz_roster2";
$db_user = "bartosz_roster";
$db_passwd = "removed";
$db_prefix = "roster_";

define('ROSTER_INSTALLED', true);

After I upload the file into /public_html/guildroster directory where the install file is and etc...

I get to the admin page...

Which comes up with all the different options.

However here is where the problem comes.

When I click on the link "Guild Info"

It sends me to this url: ... ldinfo.php

and I get a Not Found page that states this:

Not Found
The requested URL /guildroster/guildinfo.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.37 Server at Port 80

Can anyone tell me how to fix this. I checked the forums and the documentation and the only thing I found was something about Dragonfly. I might have missed something I am really tired, at the time of this posting. But I am out of ideas this is the first time i have tried to install something like this myself, and it is the only component i am missing go making my guilds website work, please help. I get this problem for all the links.

Thank you
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Not Found - Roster URL - Cannot locate the files...

Postby SethDeBlade » Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:38 am

did you really upload all the files??
have you checked that?
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Not Found - Roster URL - Cannot locate the files...

Postby PleegWat » Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:43 am

The roster settings file is not picking up the fact you're using a subdomain. I don't think there's an easy fix for this.
Your roster works correctly (at first sight) from

To get it working properly from the subdomain I think you need a file edit.
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Re: Not Found - Roster URL - Cannot locate the files...

Postby Unholyfire » Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:29 am

SethDeBlade wrote:did you really upload all the files??
have you checked that?

hehe, yes I checked to make sure the files are there.
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Re: Not Found - Roster URL - Cannot locate the files...

Postby Unholyfire » Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:31 am

PleegWat wrote:The roster settings file is not picking up the fact you're using a subdomain. I don't think there's an easy fix for this.
Your roster works correctly (at first sight) from

To get it working properly from the subdomain I think you need a file edit.

I see, I kind of thought that the subdomain is what would be causing the trouble. I can use my maindomain, its not a problem.

Thank you
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Not Found - Roster URL - Cannot locate the files...

Postby zanix » Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:48 pm

Go into the database and edit the roster_url row in the table roster_config
Change it to just "/"
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Not Found - Roster URL - Cannot locate the files...

Postby Unholyfire » Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:41 pm

Ah, Well I already installed in my main directory, so it works now awesome. thx
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