Event Calendar not updating

With this addon you'll be able to view planned events from GuildEventManager or GroupCalendar

Moderator: PoloDude

Event Calendar not updating

Postby Scatmanicus » Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:27 pm

I added the EventCalendar addon to my 1.7.2 version of WOWRoster. I modified the conf.php file as follows:

Code: Select all
// What calendar will you be updating -- GEM or GroupCalendar
   $addon_conf['EventCalendar']['UpdateMode'] = 'GroupCalendar';

//Every1 in guild can update the calendar if set to true, if set to false then it will look at EventUpdaters
   $addon_conf['EventCalendar']['UpdateAll'] = true;

//Characters that can update the events
   $addon_conf['EventCalendar']['EventUpdaters'] = array(
      'Scatmanicus', 'Bonechewer_Scatmanicus',

I know it looks silly on the EventUpdaters but when I looked at the GroupCalendar.lua file it said "Bonechewer_Scatmanicus" so I added both just to be sure it qualified the updater.

Here is a link to the GroupCalendar.lua file:
Click here for GroupCalendar.lua

When I go to the Update page, I do enter the CharacterProfiler.lua file in addition to the GroupCalendar.lua file. On the output display, it shows that it parsed both files, displays the individual characters that it has updated from the CharacterProfiler.lua but gives no display of any updates made for the GroupCalendar.lua file.

When I go to the Event Calendar link, nothing shows.

Now sure it I missed anything so if I did, I would appreciate the feedback. Other than that, does anyone else have any idea why this is not working?
Last edited by Scatmanicus on Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Event Calendar not updating

Postby targetbsp » Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:23 am

I haven't been able to get that to update since Wow2. I assumed group calendar 3 changed the file format a bit and we were awaiting on a new addon?

I've since switched to phpraid anyway cause group calendar 3 seems buggy as hell. Some people in the guild can't see events and sometimes we can see other guilds events.
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Re: Event Calendar not updating

Postby dimzen » Thu Jan 11, 2007 4:01 pm

Can't get mine to update :(

Using group calendar 3.0.4 & roster 1.7.2

After upload, it says:
"Parsing files

* Parsed GroupCalendar in 0 seconds"

I'v edited the conf.php to this:
$versions['versionDate']['eventcalendar'] = '$Date: 2006/10/22 $';
$versions['versionRev']['eventcalendar'] = '$Revision: 1.0.2 $';
$versions['versionAuthor']['eventcalendar'] = '$Author: PoloDude $';

// What calendar will you be updating -- GEM or GroupCalendar
$addon_conf['EventCalendar']['UpdateMode'] = 'GroupCalendar';

//Every1 in guild can update the calendar if set to true, if set to false then it will look at EventUpdaters
$addon_conf['EventCalendar']['UpdateAll'] = true;

//Characters that can update the events
$addon_conf['EventCalendar']['EventUpdaters'] = array(
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Event Calendar not updating

Postby PoloDude » Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:06 pm

That last would be due to the blizz changes and can be solved by looking at this thread

As for the updating of GC3, since we don't use GEM or GC anymore i kinda didn't look further into this addon and as i'm a bit short on free time it will be with some delay that i might look into it again.
If some1 else want to fix stuff, let me know them here or trough PM and i'll add and update the addon
[url=http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Emerald+Dream&n=Calaglin]Calaglin @ Emerald Dream [EU]
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Event Calendar not updating

Postby Scatmanicus » Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:16 pm

OK, Polodude! You've dropped a bombshell on me and I"m sure others.

As for the updating of GC3, since we don't use GEM or GC anymore i kinda didn't look further into this addon

Now what does this mean? You are dropping the Event Calendar addon? You're using a different WOW addon than GEM or GC? We're sweating here!!!!
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Re: Event Calendar not updating

Postby Bandit » Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:25 pm

PoloDude wrote:That last would be due to the blizz changes and can be solved by looking at this thread

Ok I have updated the files in this thread and it fixed some of the parsing/display issues, particularly with our bank etc. However, it did not fix the issue with Event Manager not displaying.

As for the updating of GC3, since we don't use GEM or GC anymore i kinda didn't look further into this addon and as i'm a bit short on free time it will be with some delay that i might look into it again.
If some1 else want to fix stuff, let me know them here or trough PM and i'll add and update the addon

I am using group calendar 3.04, and am wondering if it changed to accomodate the wow changes in the latest patch and hence the event manager not updating off it. I am getting the same problem with others still of the events being blank using 1.7.2 of roster and uploading the files manually and via uniloader.
Last edited by Bandit on Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Event Calendar not updating

Postby Amannim » Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:00 am

Ok... as much as I hate the thought of helping Thought Police :twisted:

Here's the necessary fix to /addons/EventCalendar/functions.php

in function processGRP():

line 397, find this:
foreach(array_keys($dbs[$db]['Events'][$date]) as $event){
$output .= updateGrpEvent($dbs[$db]['Events'][$date][$event],$key[1]);

and replace with:
$output .= updateGrpEvent($dbs[$db]['Events'][$date],$key[1]);

They must have changed the way the array was stored. Doing the above will fix it.

Hey Scat... could you send me another one of yer lua's so we can hunt you down easier. :pirate:
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Re: Event Calendar not updating

Postby dimzen » Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:35 pm

dimzen wrote:Can't get mine to update :(

Using group calendar 3.0.4 & roster 1.7.2

After upload, it says:
"Parsing files

* Parsed GroupCalendar in 0 seconds"

I'v edited the conf.php to this:
$versions['versionDate']['eventcalendar'] = '$Date: 2006/10/22 $';
$versions['versionRev']['eventcalendar'] = '$Revision: 1.0.2 $';
$versions['versionAuthor']['eventcalendar'] = '$Author: PoloDude $';

// What calendar will you be updating -- GEM or GroupCalendar
$addon_conf['EventCalendar']['UpdateMode'] = 'GroupCalendar';

//Every1 in guild can update the calendar if set to true, if set to false then it will look at EventUpdaters
$addon_conf['EventCalendar']['UpdateAll'] = true;

//Characters that can update the events
$addon_conf['EventCalendar']['EventUpdaters'] = array(

Hmm.. it's working for me now.. havn't done anything to fix it?
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Re: Event Calendar not updating

Postby Bandit » Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:48 pm

Amannim wrote:
line 397, find this:
foreach(array_keys($dbs[$db]['Events'][$date]) as $event){
$output .= updateGrpEvent($dbs[$db]['Events'][$date][$event],$key[1]);

and replace with:
$output .= updateGrpEvent($dbs[$db]['Events'][$date],$key[1]);

Unfortunately didnt work for me, same as before, have the Title Upcoming Raids, headers dates, zone, leader, attendees etc but no raids listed still. Running roster 1.7.2 with lua parsing fix, group calendar 3.0.4.
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Re: Event Calendar not updating

Postby Amannim » Sat Jan 13, 2007 9:07 pm

I'm just running the 1.7.2 roster /w GC 3.0.4, haven't done the lua parsing fix. Maybe my hotfix isn't compatible with the lua parsing fix? I'll have to ask raid leader if the calendar is still updating for her on web site.
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Re: Event Calendar not updating

Postby Scatmanicus » Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:49 am

Amannim, please don't make me give anyone more information to locate me. I get ganked enough as it is! LOL

I made the changes you recommended. Here is the actual save section:

Code: Select all
// recommended fix from Amannim on WOWRoster.net forums,
// http://www.wowroster.net/Forums/viewtopic/p=13039.html#13039
$output .= updateGrpEvent($dbs[$db]['Events'][$date],$key[1]);
//foreach(array_keys($dbs[$db]['Events'][$date]) as $event){
//$output .= updateGrpEvent($dbs[$db]['Events'][$date][$event],$key[1]);

I did an update and the update log shows this:

Code: Select all
Updating GroupCalendar Data from Character [Scatmandru]

    * Removing old data
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)
    * Inserting (946706400)

Now here's the kicker. It shows the exact same update for each of my characters, both before and after the Saving Sig..... line.

Yet when I click on Event Calendar, no records are displayed at all.

I have attached a zip file with the CharacterProfiler.lua, GroupCalendar.lua and the update_log.txt.

Back to the drawing board.
(270.22 KiB) Downloaded 392 times
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Re: Event Calendar not updating

Postby Amannim » Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:35 am

Scat... I just want to 'talk... thats all :twisted:

Hmm.. according to those logs its not finding anything. When I was doing the update it was saying Inserting A (Some #'s), Inserting r (Some #'s), etc. When I pulled the array up a notch, it found all the pieces it needed.

From what you're showing, its not finding anything. The Inserting line should be moved to a position where an insert actually occurs, that msg is misleading.

There's a msg on wowroster homepage about changes in savedvariables, is that the same post linked above? I haven't looked at it yet.

When you did the 1.7.2, did you wipe your database and all files, then install? I had just changed the files and ran the upgrade.
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Event Calendar not updating

Postby revepik » Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:22 pm

I use GEM et Event Calendar don't want to update , what's the problem ?

(excuse me for my english)
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Event Calendar not updating

Postby Scatmanicus » Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:42 pm

I've put a post following up on this at:

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Re: Event Calendar not updating

Postby Amannim » Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:35 am

lol ran into ya on other side of the portal. small world eh?
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