PvPLog 2.1.0 with WoW-deDE-

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PvPLog 2.1.0 with WoW-deDE-

Postby Sphinx » Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:20 am

Ok, i've encountered following problems:

- most /-commands do not work ( /pl Konfiguration , /pl Anzeige ...). I don't like localized commands. "on", "off", "config" should be understandable even for non-native-english-speakers ;)

- no duel logging. PvPLog seems to call functions that are reserved for the Blizz-UI. You can only choose between Ignore and disabling PvPLog.

- When selection "none" for the notification channel, PvPLog throws a warning by the next kill and joins the channel "none". Every following death/kill is announced to this channel.

- no slash-command for enable/disable the minimap-button.

- no way to move the minimap-button
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PvPLog 2.1.0 with WoW-deDE-

Postby bsmorgan » Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:39 pm

I think the German localization is in need of work. The command parser does a "command = string.lower(command)" so any command in localization.lua starting with a capital letter will not parse. If you would be willing to help me with the German localization, we'll get this fixed quickly.

There's a Blizzard problem with Duels in WoW 2.0.1 which is supposed to be fixed in WoW 2.0.3. I've gotten PvPLog 2.1.0 to record duels on my end, but I've also seen some problems too. I'll keep and eye on this but may not be able to fix it until WoW 2.0.3 releases. If your opponent starts the duel, you should get further than if you try and start it. If you both have PvPLog, then I think we have to wait.

I'm guessing that the "none" notification is also a localization issue because it works fine here. If you do a "/pl" command after selecting "none", it should show the selected channel in white in the usage text that's printed out. If it doesn't, then that's the problem.

There is a slash command to enable and disable the minimap-button and its "/pl config" for me. You, of course, can't get that command to work!

I can left-click drag the minimap-button all the way around the minimap. If you can't do that, then we'll need to figure out why.

Here's what I would suggest as a start to solving these problems...

Edit your localization.lua file and change at least the following lines in the "deDE" section (lines 126-232):

Code: Select all
151:     DISPLAY = "anzeige"; 
215:    UI_CONFIG = "konfiguration";
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Re: PvPLog 2.1.0 with WoW-deDE-

Postby bsmorgan » Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:43 pm

I personally have no problems with leaving the commands in English and just translating the text that's output. Its easy enough to do by removing all the commands from each locale section of localization.lua.

I'd like to get more input on this from other people using PvPLog with non-English clients. Let me know what you think.


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Re: PvPLog 2.1.0 with WoW-deDE-

Postby bsmorgan » Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:30 pm

There was more wrong with duels than I can blame on Blizzard. PvPLog 2.1.1 should work much better.


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