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Postby pappy » Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:48 am

Hello guys
(i'm french and i'm sorry for my english ...)
i already posted in the french part of forum but I did not have an answer s)

your roster is really very well (I already tested two of them : webroster and rosterPhP but your is really brilliant for it !)
unfortunately I think of having can be a problem with guildprofiler , i explain :

wow version : 2.01
wowroster version : 1.7.2
cp and gp version : 2.01 (released december 05 2006)
website :

when i save a guild In Game, the tchat posts informations of the guild are good, but the file guildprofiler contains only this information (the date of safeguard of the file is good) :

rpgoGPpref = {
["enabled"] = true,
["title"] = false,
["compact"] = true,
["smart"] = true,
["debug"] = false,
["lite"] = true,
["button"] = true,

on the website when I want to record the guild it does not find it... when i want to record my charactere it does not find the guilde... grrr...
I, about, informed well information of the guild in the roster's administration...

for information :
on my Web site I created the guild and my charactere directly on phpmyadmin to check (table roster_guilde, roster_memberlog and roster_members) and there I can update my character but only once s)
when i want to upload a second time, it does not modify the tables,... grrrr....

Can you help me ? please, I am really impatient to make benefit from your roster at my guild...

PaPy, the old blade
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Postby Minishadow » Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:21 am

guild profiler saves the guild in the charakterprofiler.lua either, so you have to run cp and gp the same time and only upload charakterprofiler.lua

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Postby joehail » Mon Dec 25, 2006 11:24 am

and don't forget it is the CharacterProfiler.lua from the WoW/WTF/Account/NAME/SavedVariables folder not from the Interface/Addons folder
Last edited by joehail on Mon Dec 25, 2006 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guildprofiler

Postby pappy » Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:00 pm

Ok for Guildprofiler saved in characterprofiler (it's similar for webroster).

ok for the site of file characterprofiler.lua, I had not been mistaken.

but i'm not solution, look my screen in this topic : ... rt=30.html

I am completely lost...
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Postby zanix » Tue Dec 26, 2006 3:06 am

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