Can UniAdmin / UniUpdater be used to delete an addon?

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Can UniAdmin / UniUpdater be used to delete an addon?

Postby Morwaul » Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:11 pm


My apologies in advance if this has already been answered. I did look, really I did.

I have been using uniadmin for a while and the pushes are great. Now, however, I would like to remove some of the previously pushed addons from my guilds pc's and replace them with better addons.

Can this be done using uniadmin?
If so, how?
If not, Is there anything anyone knows of that will do this?

Thank You

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Can UniAdmin / UniUpdater be used to delete an addon?

Postby MattM » Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:44 pm

nope, it doesn't.

the addon updater can only update addons, it cant delete addons.

you can probably do an ugly work around by making dummy addons with the same names as the "blacklisted" addons with dummy code files, that would replace the real ones and make the blacklisted addons not work, the folder would still be there but the addon wont run.

edit: this is something several people asked for before.
Last edited by MattM on Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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