Please don't let this thread die.
I'm on a *nix server, apache, MySQL 4.1.19, PHP 4.4.4, allow_url_fopen is currently OFF (nasty security risk and all that), GD is on with freetype support.
I have checked and double-checked the realmstatus config settings. I'm on a US PVP server (Stormreaver), and am not getting an updated realmstatus.
When I run rosterdiag, I get the following:
Notice: Undefined index: servertypecolor in /home/capdom/public_html/roster/realmstatus.php on line 330
Notice: Undefined index: servertype in /home/capdom/public_html/roster/realmstatus.php on line 330
So, I'm looking for some assistance, too, if there's any left over after Nelinaa's done using up all the brainpower in here.