Uber n00b help

Installation issues with WoWRoster

Uber n00b help

Postby jwalsh1208 » Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:03 pm

OK i am so green it is sad. But here is my question. After I extract all files I use my FTP to upload everything I extracted. It says the wait time for everything to be uploaded is around 3 hours. Is this common. It seems like I am not doing something corect but I dont know enough about this to figure it out. Thx for any response in advance.
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Uber n00b help

Postby rogue329 » Fri Dec 15, 2006 3:43 pm

When we first tried to upload everything including the image pack, Microsoft was telling us like 4 hours to upload everything. I installed the FireFTP plugin into Firefox and it was done in about 10 minutes. A lot depends on the upload speed of your Internet connection as well. If you only have 128k upload capability things are going to take a while.
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Re: Uber n00b help

Postby jwalsh1208 » Sat Dec 16, 2006 1:15 am

Well I am using IE as an FTP and have a cable connection. I couldnt understand why its taking so long but it is the image pack that is taking the longest. But thank you for responding at least I know that it takes awhile I will try the FTP plugin for firefox to see if the speeds things up.
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Re: Uber n00b help

Postby jwalsh1208 » Sun Dec 17, 2006 5:32 pm

Firefox did it all in about 10min like you said. Thank you very much
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