Uniuploader failed to open (I have installed .net framework)

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Uniuploader failed to open (I have installed .net framework)

Postby JDFire » Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:25 pm

Hello, Let me first say that I love your work on the wow roster and all the stuff that comes with it. It is a big help to my guild on communication and ease of installation of addons. After that said I have one issue that I would like some help on. See a person in my guild had everything running before the 2.0 patch of wow and everything was running fine with uniuploader and all. But ever since that patch when we had an update to the addons that we use for wow when she tried to update the addons she close uniuploader then tried to open it back up and she got the error "Uniuploader failed to open and needs to close" Now it was working before 2.0 patch so I know she has .net framework and I know it was working at one point in time. The things I have tried is as follows.

Uninstall uniuploader, delete the folder in program files, and reinstall the compiled version that I have compiled for the guild and no go.

Reinstalled .net framework and repeated steps above. no go.

uninstalled uniuploader, deleted the folder in program files and then download new uniuploader from this site and no go.

Had her keep error up and was able to open uniuploader from the task menu and able to work with uniuploader to update the addons with my configs from uniadmin and it has updated the information. But gets stuck on updating uniuploader program. But when I close the program it doesn't save any settings. So my question is does any one have any more ideas on this subject? I am willing to try anything to get this user up and going. Thanks for you time on reading this and hope we can find an resolution.

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Uniuploader failed to open (I have installed .net framework)

Postby MattM » Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:55 pm

You should be able to get the stack trace when the error occurs. I can help you if you provide specific (non generic) errors.
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Re: Uniuploader failed to open (I have installed .net framew

Postby JDFire » Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:56 pm

Where can I find that type of information? I asked the user and she couldn't find that information. I had her check the error and it doesn't have anything else on it. I will check with her. Again thanks for the responce : )
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