If a guy wanted to set up a standalone roster, and then later put the dragonfly against that database, is there a good way to manually set up (name) the tables so that things will JustWork(TM) ?
Last edited by phoebus on Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
oh booo, I was hoping it was more like 'name them with the same prefix as the cms and it will figure it out when it tries to create the tables in the module install'
Zanix, is there any chance once you've completed DF of posting those changes that you can remember?. I think there will be a few of us are in phoebus's position. Dont let this distract you from a release, I'm sure myself and others can work it out but any hints would be usefull Thanks for all your efforts.
With the release of the 1.7.3beta of Roster, is there a change in the status of the DF port?
Will the port be 1.7.2 or likely 1.7.3 at this point?
And as a an aside, since I am not used to ports: can ports generally use the standard upgrade scripts, or do port-specific upgrades get released as well?
Yes pretty much as soon as 1.7.3 standalone is released I can push out wowrosterdf as it is now. WoWRosterDF will upgrade any previous version of wowrosterdf as well and will work with item_stats module. There are still some auth changes that need to be made and need to figure out what to do with roster addons as I really would not like to have to modify them all before they can be installed, but this is looking to be the only way until roster addons use more of a coding standard. this version is also fully leo link compatiable which will rewrite all the links to .html for better search engine resaults.
Installing 1.7.2 stand alone I guess for the time being. I wish an emergency patch to get the df version wow 2.0 compliant was released. I appreciate the hard work you guys are doing.
Will RosterDF import the data from the standalone roster? I hate to have my guildies fill out their profiles and such just to end up redoing it again soon.
Zanix has stated he will post what changes need to be made to the standalone version in his posts above. Chances are you will need to do this manually since he hasn't said if he was writing a function to import from a stand alone version.