Gyffes wrote:Hi
I have a problem whit the wrx
i have eXV2 Vers.
i have the pack unzipped and upload in my moduls root
Im going on my admin modul site from exoops and install the wrx modul
thats ok
than i go to go to config the modul and have a error
Fatal error: Class wowdb: Cannot inherit from undefined class xoopsdatabase in /xxxxx/xxx/xx/modules/wowrosterx/lib/wowdb.php on line 30
what can i do
Thanx for help and sorry for my enlgish
i'm speak it a littel bit
MonkeyBubbles wrote:Not sure if anyone else will be affected by this, but utilization of this module conflicts with my ability to see the "View Account" page. With the module active, my user.php or userinfo.php pages both come up blank. With this module deactivated, they come up fine.
Beyond that, this module is great. Installed, configured, and running without any issues.
// Search things
$modversion['hasSearch'] = 1;
$modversion['search']['file'] = "lib/";
$modversion['search']['func'] = "wrx_search";
// Search things
$modversion['hasSearch'] = 0;
//$modversion['search']['file'] = "lib/";
//$modversion['search']['func'] = "wrx_search";
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