patch 2.0 and pvplog

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Re: patch 2.0 and pvplog

Postby Finian826 » Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:36 pm

Not sure if this helps, but might want to take a look at Duece. It is an ACE 2 addon for recoreding pvp kills. Not sure if it might have what you need in it to get pvplog back up and running.

I haven't looked at the lua it creates yet, but have ran some BG with it and it is giving some results.

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patch 2.0 and pvplog

Postby S-Li » Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:37 am

Seems like Ultimate Book of the Dead is now development again.

This preforms a similar function to PvPlog and does more.
Haven't tried it myself yet, but you might find it useful to getting PvPlog working in again.
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Re: patch 2.0 and pvplog

Postby bsmorgan » Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:49 am

I have some good news...

I have PvPLog v2.0.0 working within the restrictions imposed by World of Warcraft V2. Enemy target data is captured whenever the PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED event fires. Most of the time this is fired when you click on something.

For performance reasons, only the most recent 40 enemy targets are retained. The most recent list is also cleared when you die.

When you die, someone else dies, or you win or lose a duel, a record is made only if the target data is available. If there's no target data, nothing is saved.

SVN has been updated but since I have not been told how to upload a .zip file to the download area, I've attached it here (Edit: 2.0.1 attached instead).

Edit: Attachment removed, see the PvPLog 2.1.0 thread
Last edited by bsmorgan on Mon Dec 25, 2006 9:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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patch 2.0 and pvplog

Postby zanix » Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:13 am

I will have to figure out how to change the author permissions on the current download

For now, I can update it
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Re: patch 2.0 and pvplog

Postby bsmorgan » Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:03 pm

bsmorgan wrote:For performance reasons, only the most recent 40 enemy targets are retained. The most recent list is also cleared when you die.

For the adventurous out there, I've attached version 2.0.2. The only change to this version is the most recent 45 enemy targets are retained, the list is never cleared, and it is stored in the savedvariables file. This should allow you to get into AV and keep data on every player on the opposite side.

I considered storing the data per character, but decided that it might be more useful to share the data for those people that change characters to avenge the deaths of younger ones.



Edit: I've removed the attachment. See the PvPLog 2.1.0 thread instead.
Last edited by bsmorgan on Mon Dec 25, 2006 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: patch 2.0 and pvplog

Postby S-Li » Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:51 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems you've made it so it no longer stores a complete record of everything over the course of playing time (as the original did)

Or does it still record everything, but only the last 45 entries are visible in-game?

If the first one is correct, then whats the point?
Last edited by S-Li on Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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patch 2.0 and pvplog

Postby zanix » Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:26 pm

He is dealing with the limitations imposed in WoW 2.0
So perhaps this is one of them?
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Re: patch 2.0 and pvplog

Postby bsmorgan » Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:17 pm

S-Li wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems you've made it so it no longer stores a complete record of everything over the course of playing time (as the original did)

Or does it still record everything, but only the last 45 entries are visible in-game?

If the first one is correct, then whats the point?

Neither assumption is correct. WoW V2 eliminated (among others) the function TargetByName.

Previous versions of PvPLog used names from the combat log to build a list of people you had recent contact with (list was limited to 40 names), and TargetByName to gather information such as race, class, level, and guild if you or one of those people on your recent list died.

This version of PvPLog uses names from the combat log and people you manually target to build a list of people you had recent contact with (list is limited to 45 names and information). At the time you manually target them, it gathers information such as race, class, level, and guild. When you or one of those people on your recent list dies, PvPLog hopefully has the additional information in needs.

Both versions of PvPLog use this information to build a database of people (and guilds) so you have a (long term) record of wins and losses. This database is used to generate on screen (and audible) indications of your past encounters with a person. This code has not been changed.

The previous version of PvPLog searched its list of recent names linearly and thus limited that list to 40 people for performance reasons.

This version of PvPLog uses Lua's built in table access to "search" its list of 45 recent names with information. For performance reasons, it only adds the additional information to this list when needed. If the list were dramatically increased in size (i.e. why not keep information about every enemy player you ever encountered), then the problem of staleness enters into the equation. At some point, the computational load of maintaining this data will effect game play. I picked 45 as large enough to hold the information of every enemy player in AV plus a couple of "spares" but hopefully small enough to not effect game play.

In version 2.0.2, I am now retaining this recent list across player deaths, zone changes, and sessions. I am hoping that I will not have a staleness issue to deal with. I am also hoping that 45 is small enough as to not effect game play. By retaining the list longer, I will hopefully have the data necessary to record wins and losses more often. There's a lot of "hope" in this paragraph because I decided to publish this code before all of these questions are completely answered by my own testing.

The weakness of this new scheme is that if you get "one-shoted", you are unlikely to have targeted the person that killed you. I am debating whether to add "sparse" entries to the long term database, and if so, will have to verify (and modify) all the code that deals with that database to handle the existance of "sparse" entries.

It might surprise you to know that I'm not a hard core PvPer. The private version of PvPLog I was using did not capture duel information nor did it capture any information in the battlegrounds. My database was confined to only people from world PvP encounters, and was primarily a list of those people who had "ganked" me in the past. I added features to my version that allowed me to query across characters on a realm so that when my "less experienced" character was ganked and my "more experienced" character came to their defense, I could make sure I was seeking revenge on the right person(s).

My future plans for PvPLog are first to get this version stable restoring as many existing features as possible given the new Blizzard restrictions. Next, I will add some of the features of my private version (which had a small user base other than myself). Last, I will use input from this hopefully larger user community to determine what needs to be done to make PvPLog the premier addon in its class.

I will need help from this community to be successful. Testing on a larger scale than one person can accomplish. Good bug reports when things go wrong. Bugs and feature requests will all be taken seriously, but I can't guarantee they all will be fixed or implemented! I'll do my best.


Last edited by bsmorgan on Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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