This addon provides a way of looking at your guild by the numbers. It counts your members, figures out which class has the most and least members and overall gives you an idea of where you might want to concentrate your recrutement efforts.
Here is an example of the page: Casual Gamerz Guild Stats Page
The addon will start working the minute you copy the files into the addon's directory. It is self contained, uses existing data and is easily translated.
This addon only comes with the english version of the page (sorry, only language I know). bu I tried to make it so anyone with the knowledge can translate it to other languedges. There is a localization directory in the addon and it contains the enUS.php file. To make your own, just copy it, rename it, translate the strings and save it back into the same directory. The addon is written to automatically include any php files in this directory. If you do translate the addon, please upload your translation for the rest of us to enjoy.