WoW 2.0 Patch

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Re: WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby Ulminia » Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:46 am

ok this is everry testy and beta ish :P sorry guys this is a new wowdb.php download and upload to your roster then open upload.php change
$realm = $myProfile[$realm_name]; to $realm = $myProfile[$realm_name]['Character']; and and it should work
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WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby onemadogre » Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:40 am

Thank you. That seems to recognize the character now, although it doesn't seem to want to let me upload the first chracter for my guild yet.

No hurry however, not like you're doing this for a living. :)


I cross checked again. I logged back into WoW. Ran the manual save from the guild social tab. It showed the guild saved. Then I exited WoW, checked the file date stamp on the profile.lua file to confirm it had written. When I attempt to upload it with the officer password I see these results.

Updating Character [Shopkeepfive]
Shopkeepfive is not in the list of guild members so their data will not be inserted.

Updating Character [Julie]
Julie is not in the list of guild members so their data will not be inserted.

Updating Character [Shopkeeptwo]
Shopkeeptwo is not in the list of guild members so their data will not be inserted.

Updating Character [Shopkeep]
Shopkeep is not in the list of guild members so their data will not be inserted.

Updating Character [Shopkeepfour]
Shopkeepfour is not in the list of guild members so their data will not be inserted.

Updating Character [Randi]
Randi is not in the list of guild members so their data will not be inserted.

Could not update "". Maybe its not set in configuration?

I am a complete rookie at this, so I'll keep hunting your documentation, but since you're working on a release, I am hoping the feedback from my experience is helpful in case it's not a case where I just can't read the instructions at correctly.

Thanks again
Last edited by onemadogre on Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby onemadogre » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:25 am

Sorry to spam.

Just to be sure, I wiped out the database and started it over. I made a completely clean database, the two code edits suggested above and the wowdb.php linked above.

Also renamed the characterprofile.lua file on my client, logged in and did a guild scan with the save button. I delibrately did not scan my character this time and the character data does not seem to appear in the characterprofile.lua file now.

When I attempt to upload with the officer password and the guild name cut/pasted into the roster config I get this message.

Could not find Guild. GuildProfiler Addon not installed correctly?

I'll keep hunting. Just delete my posts if this is a bad spot for them, mostly doing a stream of consciousness as I work through my problem.
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Re: WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby jgphenom » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:47 am

I get the same problem. I didn't have to clear my database because my wowroster is a clean install (I came across your website on the tuesday of the wow upgrade), which means i've never uploaded any information before.

This is what I did:

- Fixed the code in update.php in both places and uploaded the new wowdb.php file.
- installed characterprofiler and guildprofiler (both 2.0) as addons
- followed directions carefully (open guild tab, open character, then professions, etc)
- logged out of wow and logged into my website
- tried to upload characterprofile.lua with the roster update password first to get guild info into wowroster.

I got the same error that onemadogre did ("Could not find Guild...")

Sorry to be long-winded, i wanted to make sure you knew i followed the upload directions so i wouldn't just be referenced to that page. I also searched the forums for this problem and the solution was always to just reread the directions. I'm absolutely sure i did it right. Any suggestions?
Last edited by jgphenom on Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby jgoldsack » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:48 am

I get this same thing now as well
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WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby Ohlo » Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:12 am

Sorta off topic question... Does this also work for:
CharacterProfiler.lua, PvPLog.lua, EventCalendar & CT_RaidTracker.lua

Also, I've not tried to update yet but will when I get home.
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Re: WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby Macarius » Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:14 am

Same problem here, I just ran accross this program yesterday. Followed the directions for updating, did the code patches, and the uploaded the new files. and I get a simular error

Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.
Could not find Guild. GuildProfiler Addon not installed correctly?

And I know for sure im using the newest version, and followed the directions to the letter. So i guess we all will have to wait until the beta release :-(
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Re: WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby knappster » Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:43 am

My data updated, so it's a good start for me. The date updated is blank on the Roster screen, but when I click on the character's name it shows this as the last updated date:
Last Updated: Dec Wed 31st, 5:59pm

I'm going to disable uploads on my site until that is addressed.

To those of you having problems, where did you upload the wowdb.php file to? I think it is supposed to replace the file in your <html>/lib/ directory. Something you might want to doublecheck.
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WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby Arkel » Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:52 pm

ok I have updated the wowdb.php
Then I went and replaced the code in these two spots
// Only allow realms specified in config
if( $realm_name == $roster_conf['server_name'])
$realm = $myProfile[$realm_name]['Character'];
$guild = $realm['Guild'];
if( is_array($guild) )

and here:

$realm = $myProfile[$realm_name]['Character'];
foreach( array_keys( $realm ) as $char_name )

Now when I go and upload just my Characters it goes to a blank page with warning. So what am I doing that I am just not seeing?
Do I have to completly wipe the sql database?
Thank you
Last edited by Arkel on Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby imagineer » Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:28 pm

I just spent an hour to look into this.

The patch posted earlier allows characters to be updated -- but does NOT allow guild information to be updated (add/edit/remove members on the roster).

Yes, there is a way to fix this. It is in update.php under function processGuildRoster. We will need a patch for that as well. I wrote a few quick hacks to get it to work, but largely it will require someone more experienced with wowroster infrastructure to get it working seamlessly and less hackish.

When you replace $realm = $myProfile[$realm_name] inside update.php, ONLY do it to the first one that pops up -- don't change it inside processGuildRoster. That particular line inside processGuildRoster works fine -- however the function itself needs new parsing logic (particularly member ranks).

For those of you interested, here is what I did to make guild updating work inside update.php's processGuildRoster.

wowdb.php patch instructions to allow character updating
a) upload and replaced the wowdb.php posted above to lib\wowdb.php
b) changed the first instance of
Code: Select all
$realm = $myProfile[$realm_name]

Code: Select all
$realm = $myProfile[$realm_name]['Character'];

my patch to allow guild updating
1) Force the guild name. Inside update.php, change
Code: Select all
$guildName = $guild['Guild'];

Code: Select all
$guildName = "Infamous";

Replace Infamous with your guild name (case sensitive). This is due to the change in the way GP stores the information in 2.0.

2) Bypass some obsolete checks. Change
Code: Select all
if( $roster_conf['guild_name'] == $guildName )

Code: Select all
if( $guild['DBversion'] >= $roster_conf['minGPver'] )

both to
Code: Select all

3) Get the Members correctly. Change
Code: Select all
$guildMembers = $guild['Members'];

Code: Select all
$guildMembers = $guild[$guildName]['Members'];

4) Now upload your characterprofiler.lua with your password. This will get the latest guild information online.

5) HOWEVER -- you will lose guild_rank and guild_title on all your members. The guild_title will actually be set to the # that the rank is suppose to be. So, let's fix this. In MySQL, execute:
Code: Select all
UPDATE roster_members SET guild_rank = 0, guild_title = "Guild Master" WHERE guild_title = "0";

And increment the number to however many ranks you have. Obviously replace the title with the corresponding title and matching rank. Only 2-7 updates are needed (1 per rank, depending on how many ranks your guild has).

Now your update.php will work. The only issue is that you need to do step 5 on each update. Perhaps write a quick php script that you ding every time you update your guild info or whatever.

Anyways, hope this helps you guys until the real patch or 1.8 release is out.

-- Imagineer
Last edited by imagineer on Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:47 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby zanix » Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:56 pm

Ok, I'm feeling better now

In fact, I'm feeling good enough to release 1.7.2 beta 1
Last edited by zanix on Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby jgphenom » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:22 pm

hey imagineer, tried everything you said and it worked great. buggy as hell :) but it worked well enough. And, just when i was going to thank you i see version 1.7.2 is out lol

Oh well, thanks man.
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WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby zanix » Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:40 pm

A note to fixing 1.7.1 for 2.0 compatibility

The new data format of CP and GP 2.0.1 is vastly different than previous versions
This was mainly due to fixing some layout and coding issues that calvin has wanted to address for some time now, but we (WoWRoster) were holding him back because he didn't want to break our software (what a nice guy huh?)
So I gave him to "go ahead" on making these changes
Calvin says that CP and GP should be more stable and that adding more data will be easier for him in the future

Because of this layout change wowdb.php and update.php have to be modified quite a bit

I can tell you that wowdb.php hasn't changed much from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 so I foresee a patch for 1.7.1 perhaps by this weekend (if I don't get sick again :roll: )

If I have time this weekend, I will code a patch for 1.7.1
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Re: WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby derangedtaco » Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:08 pm

zanix wrote:A note to fixing 1.7.1 for 2.0 compatibility

The new data format of CP and GP 2.0.1 is vastly different than previous versions
This was mainly due to fixing some layout and coding issues that calvin has wanted to address for some time now, but we (WoWRoster) were holding him back because he didn't want to break our software (what a nice guy huh?)
So I gave him to "go ahead" on making these changes
Calvin says that CP and GP should be more stable and that adding more data will be easier for him in the future

Because of this layout change wowdb.php and update.php have to be modified quite a bit

I can tell you that wowdb.php hasn't changed much from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 so I foresee a patch for 1.7.1 perhaps by this weekend (if I don't get sick again :roll: )

If I have time this weekend, I will code a patch for 1.7.1
But do not hold your breath, I don't want anyone to suffocate... :tongue:

good job, thanx :thumright:
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WoW 2.0 Patch

Postby Ulminia » Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:40 pm

yea only big things is cplua dosent store 6the image paths any more and calles then icons now lol
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