phpBB group management through memberlog

Logs changes to the guild member list when the guild list is updated
Integrated into WoWRoster v1.7.1 and later

phpBB group management through memberlog

Postby robweeks » Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:33 pm

It would be very cool, if a function of memberlog could check for members added, membered removed. the sync them with a phpBB group (maybe even by rank)

Obvoiusly he forum name must be the same as the ingame name (which they are on my site).

I.e, a button to "sync members".

It would check actions that have occured (added and removed members). attempt to find them in the phpBB member table. if it didnt, no worries, if it did add (or remove) them to/from a designated group.

It would be even cooler if before adding to a group it would check the current rank of the player, then place them in a group for that rank.

This way you could have a "trial", "member", "officer" or anything else group. having the groups you could assign permissions to automaticaly grant access to certain sections of the site.

What do you think? Its instantly removed a heavy admin task of managing phpBB membership permissions
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phpBB group management through memberlog

Postby robweeks » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:26 pm

No oppinions on this?
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phpBB group management through memberlog

Postby PleegWat » Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:04 pm

in 1.7.1 memberlog was integrated into roster. Most of it's functionality is in lib/wowdb.php. However, we decided with 1.7.1 we do not want to support any specific CMS/bridge. You're free to modify the memberlog code to send the correct information over to do this.
Roster 1.8 will feature full auth capabilities and it should be easier to create auth bridges in it.
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