Use your imagination...

A signature and avatar generator addon

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Use your imagination...

Postby kaosulv » Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:14 pm

Hi ya, just wanna say SigGen rocks!
I noticed on the old boards there were a few creative sig designs but now there gone, unless those folkes decide to post again.

Anyway, I wanted to show any new folks just what you can do with some time and imagination.


The above are avatar images
and these are the sig images


The reason for the cream color is that I havn't been able to get background transparency to work so I just made it the same color as our guild forums. :mrgreen:

What do ya think?
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Use your imagination...

Postby zanix » Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:35 pm

Dude, sweet

Now THIS is why I made SigGen, to allow this kind of configurability and design

And in my next major verison, you'll be able to make themes and other people can enjoy great designs (as the default is the limit of my graphical design skills)

Now about the background transparency thing
As soon as you figure out a good way around it let me know.
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Re: Use your imagination...

Postby kaosulv » Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:09 am

:mrgreen: Im glad you like them, I'll still poke at the transparency thing too.

I do have one question...where is the "website" address info grabbed from?

I decided to upgrade WoWRoster today and as you can see its pulling the website address from somewhere else. It now says "" and it should say "".
I need to change it but I cant change the one in the roster config (which is where I think it gets it from) because the roster and our home page are different addresses.

Help oh creator of my favorite trinket :mrgreen:
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Use your imagination...

Postby zanix » Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:15 am

I was messing with using the php method ($_SERVER['SERVERNAME']) to grab the current url
And it got left in when roster was released

Get my updated version, which switches it back to $roster_conf['website_address'] which is set in roster config
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Re: Use your imagination...

Postby kaosulv » Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:34 am

WooT, Thx.

Also I was wondering any plans to make it possible to set the layer order of things other then just "char:back:frames:border:lvl:pvp:class" ?
My 1st design had the XP bar in the bottom one, where Gul'dan is and the class and pvp icons of either side of the toons name. It looked to funny with the tail still behind it, lol.
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Use your imagination...

Postby zanix » Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:07 pm

All the dynamic stuff (text, expbar) is drawn on the top layer with the exception of the level text, which is drawn right on top of the level bubble image

I designed it this way for obvious reasons, it was easier this way rather than allowing selection of every layer

So, to get back to the point, yes, I do plan to allow this
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Re: Use your imagination...

Postby Rihlsul » Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:56 pm

Hey, in the spirit of the original post, I'm curious to see who else has some impressively modified signature files.

Come on out!
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Use your imagination...

Postby Adric » Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:27 pm

this is what i have come up with, I wanted a clean look to the sig images.


however, i would like to do more, yet atm we can not use images in place of skill text. I would love to be able to do that!
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Use your imagination...

Postby zanix » Sun Jul 23, 2006 12:51 am

Kinda looks like the sigs on
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Re: Use your imagination...

Postby Adric » Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:39 am

that's where i got the inspiration from. Alot of my users wanted something similar to that.
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Use your imagination...

Postby zanix » Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:52 am

Looks nice
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Use your imagination...

Postby huto » Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:39 pm


Much love for the addon... my take on it(still workin on fonts and such, but here's what I got so far.)
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Use your imagination...

Postby joehail » Fri Jul 28, 2006 12:47 am

Is there any way to make siggen themed so we woudl be able to use these beautiful sigs people have come up with?

Just a thought
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Use your imagination...

Postby zanix » Fri Jul 28, 2006 12:53 am

joehail wrote:Is there any way to make siggen themed so we woudl be able to use these beautiful sigs people have come up with?

Just a thought
Not now, but someday
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Re: Use your imagination...

Postby Maurd » Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:45 pm

zanix wrote:Now about the background transparency thing
As soon as you figure out a good way around it let me know.

I've been attempting to make some progress with my SigGen hacking and decided to start here. After a little bit of research, I seem to have discovered the way to make GIF signatures honor the background transparency and it only required 2 new lines of code (at least for my own specific purposes).

Here are the 3 existing lines of code from the makeImageGif() function followed by my additions:

Code: Select all
// Create a new true color image because we don't want to ruin the original
$im_gif = @imagecreatetruecolor$w,$h )

// Set the transparent bit
$trans imagecolorat($im_gif00);

What I'm doing there is looking at the top left pixel (0,0) of the border image and setting whatever it finds there as the color to be made transparent.

Since my border image is a PNG graphic with alpha transparency, it basically sets the color to true black (#000000). I modified my SigGen text colors accordingly, making the default black text something slightly off of true black just to avoid having it become transparent, as well.

My method isn't perfect, obviously. It depends on the top left pixel of the border image to be either transparent or the color you want to make transparent for the final signature. There is also an anomaly that I can't track down.

See that 1px wide black line down the lefthand side of the signature? There's nothing there in the source images. I can't figure out where it's coming from.

Anyhow, that's just a mockup (nowhere near final design) of an idea I had to try to make the character image pop out a little more from the signature itself. It still needs a lot of work, and my rough little addition to your code needs a bit more tweaking, but I thought I'd share it in case you found it useful as a starting point for trying to get this integrated into future releases.

Last edited by Maurd on Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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