Please, kill me?

Installation issues with WoWRoster

Please, kill me?

Postby Holliquin » Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:28 am

I've looked and I've looked for some sort of solution - I've found all the related posts on the issue, lots of suggestions that don't really help, but I see no resolution to the issue.

I have my site hosted with GoDaddy and I can not get the roster installer to recognize mysql.

I have made the database. It is active. I can modify it. IF the install would get to the point of asking information about it, I could provide the needed information.

However, it is not getting past the initial requirements check to ask me those all important questions.

Is there a way I can modify that check to look in the right place for my server's "mysql module"?

Can someone that has a successful installation (after having problems) with a godaddy hosted site give me some suggestions?

I'm beating my head on my desk. Please save me?
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Please, kill me?

Postby Ulminia » Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:07 pm

import the sql tables manualy and create or edit the conf.php and add this in side

Code: Select all

 * DO NOT EDIT !!!

$db_host   "";
$db_name   "";
$db_user   "";
$db_passwd "";
$db_prefix "roster_";



but add your oen info and you should be ready to go
Ulminia of Zangarmarsh
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