Bank char deleted and still showing up

Data Accuracy issues

Bank char deleted and still showing up

Postby andros » Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:54 am

Hi guys, first of all thanks all for the damn brilliant work!

I set wowroster up recently for use with my guild and installed most of the addons too. It works great. Yesterday we changed the names of the bank chars. Namely I had 2 chars and I had to delete them and create a new one.
Now when updating the roster, even tho I have deleted any info in the from the .lua files the two chars do still show up as bank chars. They are still in the roster too. I really cannot figure out why updating the roster they were not removed. Roster site is here:

And the two chars are Dacutility and Dacclothierb. Also please find attached the zipfile containing my characterprofiler.lua.
Any help on solving this without cleaning up the db would be appreciated.

Thank you very much.
Zipfile containing my CharacterProfiler.lua
(118.32 KiB) Downloaded 339 times
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andros Apprentice Apprentice
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Re: Bank char deleted and still showing up

Postby andros » Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:07 am

Sorry for the hassle... I ended up deleting the entries from the member and char tables with phpmyadmin and it worked fine. Still I think this could be a bug...

Thx guys,
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andros Apprentice Apprentice
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