WoW mod mis-listed in UniAdmin

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WoW mod mis-listed in UniAdmin

Postby illepic » Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:10 pm

A mod required for our raids, DamageMeters 5.3.1 includes within its distribution a folder of chat throttling functions. The folder is called ChatThrottleLib.

When I zip up DamageMeters (with the proper Interface-->Addons-->DamageMeters folder structure, of course), and upload it to UniAdmin, it is mis-listed as ChatThrottleLib instead of DamageMeters. I'm getting reports from guildies that the mod does not work for them.

I think my question is more along the lines of "Which file does UniAdmin look at to determine mod name?" Does it parse .toc or a particular .lua file?

Thanks for your help guys!
DamageMeters file structure
damagemeters_file_structure.png (25.45 KiB) Viewed 819 times
DamageMeters 5.3.1 mod showing up as one of it's embedded libraries, ChatThrottleLib
uniadmin_chatthrottlelib.png (59.01 KiB) Viewed 819 times
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WoW mod mis-listed in UniAdmin

Postby illepic » Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:42 pm


ChatThrottleLib is it's own addon inside the DamageMeters folder thus breaking the way UniAdmin parses addons:

Known Bugs / Gotchyas

Bug: Addon zip files that have more than one addon in them will not parse properly
Solution: Make sure when you upload an addon, that it has only one addon inside

From here.

I wonder if DamageMeters will still properly use ChatThrottleLib if I include it as it's own addon, oustide the DamageMeters folder....

Any suggestions?
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WoW mod mis-listed in UniAdmin

Postby zanix » Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:27 am

illepic wrote:D'oh.

ChatThrottleLib is it's own addon inside the DamageMeters folder thus breaking the way UniAdmin parses addons:

Known Bugs / Gotchyas

Bug: Addon zip files that have more than one addon in them will not parse properly
Solution: Make sure when you upload an addon, that it has only one addon inside

From here.

I wonder if DamageMeters will still properly use ChatThrottleLib if I include it as it's own addon, oustide the DamageMeters folder....

Any suggestions?

The entire addon is still uploaded in UniAdmin, the name is just set to the first .toc file it encounters

This is going to be fixed in the next version, where this will be changed back to pre-0.7.0 style, where it uses the .zip filename
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WoW mod mis-listed in UniAdmin

Postby zanix » Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:20 am

UA 0.7.5 will have the toc scanning re-coded thanks to Zajsoft
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