Outfitter and Roster

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Outfitter and Roster

Postby Teksonic » Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:34 am

Ok so I was wondering if by adding the outfitter.lua file to the upload mix, could you get it so that on the roster Character screen you could then pick and choose to see that characters different outfitter outfits.

I'm posting this question here because it would require recoding the char.php page. So i'm not sure if it could be an addon or if it would need to be something that could be integrated into the roster itself.

any thoughts?

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Outfitter and Roster

Postby Ulminia » Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:18 am

possable... but it might be an addon like the bonus or somthen... upload a a outfitter lua and ial have a look at this
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Re: Outfitter and Roster

Postby Teksonic » Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:08 am

Here is the outfitter file. it's stored in the characters savedvariable folder, not in the general saved variable folder.
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Re: Outfitter and Roster

Postby apparentbliss » Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:10 pm

I have thought about doing this in the past before as well, though I always mentally approached it from the angle of first storing the Outfitter data in the Character Profiler lua, then parsing the data out of that. I suppose uploading the outfitter.lua file might allow you to skip some of that, but I'd have to delve a little further in the data storage structure Outfitter uses to see how multiple characters are handled.
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby ds » Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:24 pm

I have also started work on such an addon. So far I have had little success on implementing it. Mainly because of all the different "OutFits" one can have with the WoW Addon. I need to figure out how would I tell the Roster Addon what outfits to use. Another snag I came across is the method the WoW addon uses store data; as it is per Character (so it would be quite the pain in the ass for the user to upload all the characters). I have very limited WoW programming experiance, but perhaps it would be possible to create a wrapper Addon for Outfitter that would save all characters into one .lua file and have a method of selecting what Outfit to save for uploading later. Other then these issues it would be a pretty simple WoW Roster addon to create and I would *love* to make it. (or someone else -- I just want it) *grins*
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Re: Outfitter and Roster

Postby Tava » Tue Jan 23, 2007 3:52 pm

Looks like GameAmps webite has gotten this implimented...... just wish they would share with us the addon :thumright:
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby zanix » Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:20 pm

... That place in in violation of our license
They do not have any links to the credits page back to our site

Wonderful, now I'm pissed...
Last edited by zanix on Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby MattM » Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:35 pm

I played around with it, and theres no mention of credits anywhere except for:

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Re: Outfitter and Roster

Postby Tava » Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:00 pm

Sorry guys, I didn't even catch that part.
Was just linked that site yesterday.
Me thinks Game-Amp needs a continual kick to the groin!
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Re: Outfitter and Roster

Postby mdeshane » Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:50 pm

Hmmmm... what's this? The Whois info for the site? Should we spam his e-mail for violating the license agreement? I'll leave the info, what you do with it is up to you!

MOD: Removed, since we contacted these people

And if any admins have a problem with me posting this violaters info (phone # was removed), feel free to delete this post. However there is no contact info on ampwow.com or gameamp.com.
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby zanix » Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:58 pm

I'll see if I can contact this person...
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby Rihlsul » Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:12 pm

Back onto the Original Topic...

I would dig such a thing a great deal. Rather than agonize over figuring out how to make CP or Outfitter conform, I've asked the Outfitter author directly what the easiest way would be to get all Outfit data into a single LUA for uploading. Might be easy, might be hugely complex, but if anyone would know, it'd be him. :)
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby Rihlsul » Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:48 am

M'kay... I'm not to savvy to LUA, so maybe mundocani's advice will make sense:

You could mod Outfitter. You'd need to this (maybe more):

- Remove gOutfitter_Settings from the .toc file
- Add new new global saved variable to the .toc file such gOutfitter_GlobalSettings
- Initialize your new global as an empty table
- Modify the VARIABLES_LOADED handler in Outfitter to set gOutfitter_Settings to the character-specific table
- Modify first-time initialization to set the character-specific field with gOutfitter_Settings after it's been created

There's probably more you'll have to do, but that's most of it I think.

I'll take a look at this later today, perhaps.
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby Rihlsul » Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:30 pm

After thinking about this for the weekend, it might be better to try to build the Roster addon parts first, supporting only individual character uploads for now. Once we've gottent that far, being able to show it off to mundocani in that state, maybe we can talk him into a / function in outfitter that exports data. Heh.
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby zeryl » Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:23 am

Please refrain from contacting the individual who owns the website.

Thank you.
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