Outfitter and Roster

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Re: Outfitter and Roster

Postby ds » Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:21 pm

This post was written in bits through out my work day; so please excuse it as it might be a little confusing. This is more of a brainstorm type of post... :)


I have been thinking about this addon for awhile now. This is an outline of what I think would be a great addon for the Roster. Provide feedback and perhaps we can co-author this addon.

Rather then make an "Outfitter" mod, perhaps a more general addon would be better. Like a Dressing Room for the roster. The dressing room would have an upload function that would support the Outfitter mod (and perhaps others--if they exist). The Dressing room would basically function not for seeing the appearance of the gear--but rather a dressing room to put stat sets together, resistance sets, dream gear sets.
With the ability to:
-- Save the sets for later viewing my guild members/roster viewers.
-- Perhaps an export function to export a .lua file that Outfitter can read and use for new gear sets?
-- It would also take into account all the characters Talents and Gear modifiers to auto create Sets such as "Fire Resistance", "Stat -- Stamina", "Stat -- Strength" etc etc.

I do see issues in implementing the addon. I would like to use the addon framework rather then making roster hacking required. We could make the functions to hack the roster very easy.. like simple pimpRosterAddon_OutfitPulldownBox() That function would do all the work for showing all the alternate roster outfits. So the hack would be rather simple. If we wanted to integrate the addon to the main character page on the Roster. The main roster code hacks would not be required and not supported really. The addon would still be fully functional without them.

Another big issue is authorization of the character. If we choose to let the outfits do be saved how will we make sure it is owned by the correct user?
The idea that I have and I think will be possible with the new Update Trigger hooks is too add a checkbox/textfield update.php process called "password protect this profile" this would create a simple password assocatiated with all the characters that will parsed for upload (the password is just for the main characters and alts processed in the CP.lua for the upload -- we will assume the person owns those characters). This password will be easily removed/cleared by Roster Admin should the user forget the password. This password would only be used for the "dressingroom addon".
This would allow for simple authorization of ownership of the profile.

We would need to create a robust item parsing class for the addon. This is the part I would love to do. We would be mixing and matching all the gear ourselves so we would need to add all the gear stats and apply the bonus from the Character talents and display it to the user. I would also like to calculate all the Combat Ratings into percentages for comparing as well. I have the formula for this so it would be easy. I don’t think the current method for tooltip scanning/item parsing is up to this task so we would need to make our own.

Oh, I would love to add a JewelCrafting area as well. To mix/Match gems for gear too.. That would be great. :)

So, there is my very rough brainstorm of the addon, do we have any interested addon developers willing to co-author this addon? I would love to get more input of the design of this addon and make it. This is something I know my guild members would love to have access too.

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Re: Outfitter and Roster

Postby Niryk » Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:06 pm

ds001 wrote:The dressing room would have an upload function that would support the Outfitter mod (and perhaps others--if they exist).

ItemRack is another widely used mod for managing and quickly switching between "sets" of equipment depending on triggers or manually, and has the wonderful "trinketmenu"-style buttons that allow you to easily switch between equippable items for individual slots. Just thought I'd put another one on the table for when work begins on this mod at some point down the road.
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby vblars » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:02 pm

I think its a great idea if someone could make this addons for wowroster I know that my guild and I will use it. :)
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby Niryk » Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:49 pm

Yes... I understand that we're not to contact the people of GameAmps regarding their implementation of this, but I would like to either know if we've got some kind of go-ahead to create an addon for WoWroster for this or if by some stroke of human decency the GameAmps people are going to release some code back to the community...
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby MattM » Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:25 pm

wow this is an awesome idea!!!!
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby zanix » Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:52 pm

We did resolve our conflict with GameAmp and all is good now
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby ds » Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:57 am

Bah... we don't need their stinkin' code! I do need stinkin' time to code though. :+)

**edit weird! I post got put back a few posts... Do we have time traveling posters? ;)
Last edited by ds on Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby Niryk » Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:13 am

Sorry to be thick, but I assume that just means they've restored the copyright information and given credit where credit is due, however still are choosing to be elitists as far as the outfitter integration is concerned? Or is there hope that we can see code for this sometime soon?
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Outfitter and Roster

Postby PleegWat » Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:41 pm

The terms include making available any modifications you made, and gameamp did meet this term (though it isn't too obvious. Their roster is at http://www.ampwow.com/wowroster2 , the download link is in the footer (http://www.gameamp.com/modules/wow/down ... Roster.rar). I haven't looked at that source code myself, and I also don't know if any other dev has. But it's there if you want it.
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