I sent you a PM but with the way the board has behaving regarding logins Im not sure if it really sent. Anyhow, I thought Id post here again just to make sure:
You made this fine Loot History module a while back. Since then they updated itemstats to a new version and now latest loot is acting up. Can you maybe have a look at this?
the website of itemstats can be found here:
AFAIK something changed with the database tables.
here is the error I get:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare itemstats_parse() (previously declared in /home/wowvindi/public_html/v2/itemstats/joomla_itemstats.php:18) in /home/wowvindi/public_html/v2/itemstats/phpbb_itemstats.php on line 18
The problem may be in the content.php file since I am getting errors if I want to copy this code
- Code: Select all
include($GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . '/itemstats/phpbb_itemstats.php');
in there.
Maybe this code is causing the problems?
- Code: Select all
// MODIFICATION, ItemStat http://itemstats.free.fr === by Yahourt / Thorkal == EU Elune / Horde =========
include_once($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/joomla_config_itemstats.php");
include_once($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/" . path_itemstats . "joomla_itemstats.php");
thanks in advance