Issue updating after upgrading from 1.70 -> 1.71

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

Issue updating after upgrading from 1.70 -> 1.71

Postby Cipherghost » Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:23 pm

After upgrading I noticed I was getting the following error:

Code: Select all
NOT Updating character [Zynthviur]
Data is from CharacterProfiler v1.6.2
The version of CharacterProfiler used to capture data for this character is older than the minimum version allowed for upload.
Please ensure you are running at least v1.6.3 and have logged onto this character and saved data using this version.

So I went into the Roster Config screen and backed the version number of CharacterProfiler to 1.62 instead of 1.63 and started receiving more errors as listed below. I've also tried to hunt down similar posts and all I can find is the similar issue as it pertains to the maxresist addon. However this does not appear to have anything to do with maxresist as far as I can tell. Any suggestions are much appreciated :)

Code: Select all
Item [Belt of the Sand Reaver] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Overlord's Onyx Band] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Medallion of Steadfast Might] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Jagged Arrow] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Overlord's Embrace] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Gauntlets of Steadfast Determination] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Force of Will] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Helm of Might] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Naglering] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Breastplate of Might] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Carapace Spine Crossbow] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Intricately Runed Shield] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Bloodlord's Defender] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Bloodsoaked Legplates] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Bloodsoaked Pauldrons] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Core Forged Greaves] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Stormpike Soldier's Cloak] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Sacrificial Gauntlets] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Stormpike Soldier's Pendant] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Drakefire Amulet] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Big Iron Fishing Pole] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Reins of the Swift Frostsaber] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Logistics Task Briefing I] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Unsigned Field Duty Papers] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Craftsman's Writ - Rugged Armor Kit] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Blazing Emblem] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Jagged Arrow] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Jagged Arrow] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Alterac Swiss] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Deep Fried Candybar] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Roasted Quail] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Noggenfogger Elixir] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Dense Sharpening Stone] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Superior Healing Potion] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Reins of the Striped Frostsaber] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Preserved Holly] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [White Wedding Dress] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [White Bandit Mask] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Tuxedo Jacket] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Tuxedo Pants] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Elixir of Greater Water Breathing] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Red Hakkari Bijou] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Templar Pauldrons of Shadow Resistance] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Dark Iron Helm] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Flamescarred Shoulders] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Dark Iron Leggings] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Emberplate Armguards of Stamina] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Flamescarred Girdle] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Onyxia Scale Cloak] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Jasper Link of Fire Resistance] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Peridot Circle of Fire Resistance] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Templar Shield of Fire Resistance] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Master Sergeant's Insignia] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Sergeant's Cape] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Twilight Cultist Robe] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Twilight Cultist Cowl] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Triune Amulet] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Windchaser Cloak] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Bloodwoven Bracers of the Eagle] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Acidic Walkers] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Hypnotic Blade] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Twilight Pants of the Eagle] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Lunar Mantle of Intellect] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Mindbender Loop] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Wicked Chain Helmet of Defense] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Sorcerer Sphere of the Eagle] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Captain's Leggings of the Wolf] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Captain's Circlet of the Bear] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Healing Potion] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Pendant of Myzrael] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Superior Healing Potion] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Greater Healing Potion] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Greater Healing Potion] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Greater Mana Potion] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Fine Aged Cheddar] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Moonberry Juice] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Abjurer's Gloves of the Eagle] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Seer's Belt] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Seer's Pants] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Jacinth Circle of Fire Resistance] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Spidersilk Boots] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Ivycloth Cloak of the Owl] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Bright Gloves] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Sage's Bracers of Arcane Wrath] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Lesser Healing Potion] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Lesser Mana Potion] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Elixir of Firepower] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Healing Potion] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Greater Mana Potion] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Pattern: Icy Cloak] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Pattern: Red Mageweave Vest] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Pattern: Runecloth Shoulders] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Enchanted Water] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Item [Hunting Buckler] could not be inserted
1054: Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Last edited by Cipherghost on Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cipherghost Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:20 pm

Re: Issue updating after upgrading from 1.70 -> 1.71

Postby Cipherghost » Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:57 pm

I should also note, I tried doing a side-by-side installation of Roster using the full 1.71 installer and same database to see if I had an issue with the upgrade. I placed it in another directory with the same results. The secondary thing I am noticing is since receiving this error it appears that my character has little to no items equipped, missing items from bags/bank slots as well. Also tested the possibility of the following query and reuploading the data to see if there was a difference.

Code: Select all
DELETE FROM `roster_items` WHERE `member_id` = 57;

This leads me to believe it is somewhere in the CharacterProfiler.lua file, however after that I moved my CharacterProfiler.lua to another directory, went back into WoW, saved my info again and still receive the same error.

It's probably something fairly minor but any help would be much appreciated.
Last edited by Cipherghost on Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cipherghost Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:20 pm

Issue updating after upgrading from 1.70 -> 1.71

Postby zanix » Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:20 am

Yeah, it looks like your upgrade failed somehow

Get a back-up of your database before you upgraded (hopefully you made a back-up) and try to run the upgrader again

Also, try making a fresh install of 1.7.1 and upload your data to that
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Issue updating after upgrading from 1.70 -> 1.71

Postby twisted-monkey » Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:57 pm

I also had this issue. looks like the upgrade script failed to adjust the roster_items table to have the 'level' field

mysql> desc roster_items
-> ;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| member_id | int(11) unsigned | | PRI | 0 | |
| item_name | varchar(96) | | MUL | | |
| item_parent | varchar(64) | | PRI | | |
| item_slot | varchar(32) | | PRI | | |
| item_color | varchar(16) | | | | |
| item_id | varchar(32) | YES | | NULL | |
| item_texture | varchar(64) | | | | |
| item_quantity | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| item_tooltip | mediumtext | | | | |

For me this mysql command seems to have fixed it:-
alter table roster_items add column `level` int(11) after item_tooltip;
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