I belong to a French guild. I have been waiting a long time for a French translation (thanks everybody for this last realease) and I've recently installed WoWRoster v1.7.1.
Almost everything is doing well (except for some minor bugs) but I am now faced to another problem : client language.
Indeed, WoWRoster seems only to handle characters chains in the language that they have been uploaded.
Since my guildmates use different language packs (frFR, enUS) recipes, skills, factions,... appear in French and in English. For instance for a given trade object : French and English recipes are treated as two different recipes which is a bit annoying (http://www.guilde-obliterate.org/roster/tradeskills.php for tradeskills examples).
Is there any way of getting rid of this easily ? I am afraid that this will need some deep code modifications. Hope that I am wrong
Thanks in advance for your answers...