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Postby IslandStyle » Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:18 am

Hi all. I had no problem upgrading to roster 1.7.1 from 1.7.0, but here is the problem that I am running into. I had the member log addon befor it works with no problems, now with 1.7.1 having the member log built into it, it does not show me the old log from the addon link.
What I am wondering is if there is anyway to get the old log to show up for the new built in version of member log.

Thanks in advance
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Postby zanix » Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:34 am

Memberlog was added into Roster with more info than the original addon
It's possible to import the data, but I'm not sure exactly how because I don't have a 1.7.0 Roster and I never actually used the addon I just looked at the code.

Perhaps someone could write something to convert the old addon version table?
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Postby SethDeBlade » Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:07 am

you know i did it manualy for 2 reasons.

1st the old memberlog addon didnt store as many data as the new memberlog does.

and 2nd you only need this script (if someone writes it) one time.

so here is what i did.

1.) Connect to your database using phpmyadmin or any other mysqldatabasetool and navigate to the "your_prefix"_memberlog table

2.) open the old memberlog page in your roster

3.) hit insert and enter the available data manualy which only is name, date and type (0 for left 1 for joined). The other data can be filled out as well, if you still know them by heart

depending on the number of memberlog entries you have it is a more or less timeconsuming work but it's ok in my opinion. ;)
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