display not central when using firefox

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display not central when using firefox

Postby shadydude » Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:07 pm

When listing all members by guild rank firefox keeps everything to the left and not in the centre as i.e does is there any way to fix it so it displays the same in firefox.

p.s im really sorry if this has already been answered but ive benn looking for 2 hours and not found it on the forum.
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display not central when using firefox

Postby zanix » Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:55 pm

It has been answered but it's kinda labeled funny I don't don't blame you for not being able to find it

Yeah, known bug...this is because the memberslist table generator is kinda funny like that

We've tried to fix it but for some reason, nothing works to center or streach all the tables to the same width
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display not central when using firefox

Postby shadydude » Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:31 am

Ok cool thanks Ill just have to use the i.e plugin for firefox to make it look a bit tidy.
At least in i.e it keeps everything central rather than to the left.
In the meantime if i mangage to find a way for firefox to display the guild list the same way i.e does ill let u know :)

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