Performance problems

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Performance problems

Postby Sphinx » Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:22 pm

With situations of 50 and more players combating (e.g. alterac valley) my FPS drops from 30+ to <10 , and only because of the message parsing of PvPLog.
When i disable it with "/pl disable" my FPS increases instantly.

Thats was a problem with 0.5.x and still with 0.6.0. Don't know about 0.6.1, haven't tested it yet, but looking at the files, MarsMessageParser is still beeing used.

We had a longer discussion about this last year in the old forums. The use of the Mars library got us a performance boost over the own parsing routines of the old PvPLog, so we discontinued looking for a event-driven system.

But the current parsing of all combat log messages in bigger fights cost too much performance :neutral:

Perhaps a look at e.g. SW_Stats will give a few hints, how to get infos without causing so much cpu load...
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Performance problems

Postby mrmuskrat » Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:38 pm

I have not noticed any performance problems in AV or anywhere else. However, I am investigating an event-driven system for a different reason. Burning Crusade is supposed to do away with targetting (used in a few places in PvPLog).

I don't see how looking at SW_Stats will help since it has nothing to do with PvP.
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Performance problems

Postby shadydude » Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:30 pm

There have a few problems with av recently the main thing being lag. But I dont think this is caused by PvPLog as i know plenty of people who have been suffering the same problem but dont even use PvPlog.
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