Here's something I found that may help out others with a similar problem...
I have roster installed on different subdomains on the same server. The first one I updated was my test site, to make sure everything would upgrade smoothly. This upgrade worked perfect without any problems.
However when I tried it on my live site, I kept getting this error.
- Code: Select all
Upgrade Error
You have already upgraded Roster
Or you have a newer version than this upgrader
These subdomains are on the same server, just in different folders. So I doubted that the .htaccess addition would make a difference to one if it didn't to the other. However, I tried it anyway. I still got the same error.
On a hunch, I checked out my settings for both subdomains, to see if there were any differences there. That's when I finally spotted the problem. The test site was set to use PHP 5.1.2 while the live site only used PHP 4.4.2. Setting the live site to use PHP 5, fixed it immediately.
If anyone is still having problems with the upgrade, be sure to upgrade to PHP 5. That should make it work.