UniUploader Localization

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UniUploader Localization

Postby RainRider » Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:36 am

Hi Matt

I'm was trying to complete the german locale of UU and had some probs with it.

1. Following string are there for english but not for any other language:
Code: Select all

I copied them to the german section and translated them. When I restart UU languages.ini gets overwritten because automatic updates for UU are on. Turnig this off is not good when I want to distribute this among guildies. So partial l10n or not automatic upload.

2. There is some stuff I couldn't find a corresponding entry in languages.ini for:

On the settings tab:
  • Show SVs / Hide SVs
  • Show Addons / Hide Addons
  • Clear SV Contens

In the window that pops up when you hit "Show Addons":
  • Explanation text on the right.
  • Everything else :)

And some questions about translating the NSIS script just to make sure I get this right:
I have to put in a LangString-entry for every word (i.e. LangString DESC_HOUR ${LANG_GERMAN} "Stunde")

Then I have to add this for German?
Code: Select all
Function .onInit
  StrCpy $LANGUAGE_DLL_TITLE "Installer Language"
  StrCpy $LANGUAGE_DLL_INFO "Please select a language:"
  StrCpy $URL_DOTNET "${URL_DOTNET_1031}"
  StrCpy $OSLANGUAGE "1031"

And finaly add
Code: Select all
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"

If I use the english installer, would it install the german version of .NET Framework for a german user (can't test this, because I run Windows in english)

Thank you for your replies and advise in advance
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UniUploader Localization

Postby MattM » Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:34 am

Wow, thanks for the excellent information and questions!

The missing localization strings I need to add to UniUploader itself, so since you are the first to point out to me which wordings need localization strings, I will add for the next version :)

The localization strings that DO exist, but are wrong, you need to post exactly what the strings should be (how it would look like in the file) and I'll change the Master file, that way everyone gets updated with the same languages.ini

For the NSIS, To be honest, I don't know how to modify the language settings, if you do get german successfully added to the NSIS script, could you please post it so I can include it in the next version?
Last edited by MattM on Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UniUploader Localization

Postby RainRider » Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:47 pm

Well not the whole job done, but some of it. This is localised for English and German but does not include the .NET part as I need more understanding on it till I progress there. I commented the script so one could easy add other locales.

What I've done:
  • Uninstaller ist now localised and will display the language the user used for installation.
  • You could add localised versions of the license (take a look CreativeCommons for a version in your language (german legal code is still not translated for 2.5, just the deer)
  • I removed url link creation in the start menu and in the install dir, because they were created incorrectly (didn't have the time to figure out why). You still have a url link in the About tab in UU :)
  • The Uninstaller now removes "settings.ini" too (you forgot that Matt :) )

Well, it isn't much, but it is a start. I'll distribute this and tell guildies to get .NET Framework by themselves till I get it to work with it.

BTW: Your installer would install the English version of .NET Framework even if the users locale is other than English, am I right about this? Would this be a problem for non-english locales of Windows?

I hope this helps someboby.
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UniUploader Localization

Postby MattM » Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:22 am

Did you remove the .net install functionality?
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UniUploader Localization

Postby RainRider » Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:08 am

Yes, I did. It will neither check whether .net framework is installed nor will it install it. I did this because I still have to figure out how to make it install the german version on a german locale of Windows. When I have it done and tested I'll post it here or in a PM to you, if you prefer.
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UniUploader Localization

Postby MattM » Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:18 am

well then, looking forward to it!
Last edited by MattM on Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UniUploader Localization

Postby RainRider » Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:15 am

So, it should now funtion for german and english. All other locales have to be translated first, but that shouldn't take much time now.

About the changes:
It appears that the download for .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft provides is multilinugal, so no different URLs are needed.

I cleaned up the code a bit and commented it all over the place so it won't be difficult for non-technical people to get it work in their langauge too.

I also changed some messages a bit and some of the code itself. For every error that would occure during .NET install the "old" installer would print a message informing the user about the fail and would continue to install UU without giving him/her the choise whether to do that or not. If the user rejected installing .NET it just aborted whitout the option of installing UU. I corrected this so the installer behaves equally in all the situations where .NET gets not installed (user interruption, timeout, not admin and so on) informing about the issue and providing the option to still install UU or not.

Known issues:
- Space Required: 280.4 MB
This is because it calculates the space needed for a .NET installation. The issue is that it does it independently on whether .NET is needed or not. (Matts installer has this too)

- Version check for .NET Framework
As far as I understand the code just checks whether a version of .NET is there and, if so, assumes you are save to install UU. As long as UU does not require a specific version, it's not an issue. If you change your requirements you should consider changing the code to something that provides version comparison (the NSIS WiKi will provide you with some opitions)

Well, that's it. Hope it won't kill your neighbors :mrgreen:
For creating an installer to distribute for your guild just follow the instructions Matt provided.
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UniUploader Localization

Postby MattM » Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:54 am

very nice thanks!~
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