UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

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UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby zanix » Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:21 am

Ok, I hurried my butt off so you can get UA 0.7.0 the same day UU 2.5.0 was released

Now test this so I can rest, lol

Change Log

~ Fixed
+ Added
! Changed

Beta 0.7.0
~ UA is now mySQL 5 compatible
~ Areas that were not using the dynamic database table names
Thanks DreadPickle http://www.wowroster.net/Forums/viewtopic/t=260.html
~ Pie charts for php 5.x
~ On logo page, hitting the upload button will not upload a blank logo
~ On addon page, hitting the upload button will not upload a blank addon
~ Uploading addons will now try to chmod and moveuploaded file and report any errors nicely
~ Addons uploaded with an already existing addon in UA will be updated and will not be inserted as a new addon
~ Addon parsing now checks to see if you are uploading a .zip file
~ The temp_anaylize folder will now be on addon processing errors
+ Display templating
+ TOC scanning and display for addons
+ Required/Optional addons selection
UniUploader 2.5 will give the option to download optional addons
UniUploader < 2.5 will not even see optional addons
+ required="(0|1)" and toc="0000" to the XML output in interface.php
UniUploader < 2.5 should ignore this
+ UniAdmin is now fully localized
English only at this time
+ Database layer code
+ $user object. Holds locale strings, user info, etc...
+ $uniadmin object. Holds UA config info and some common functions
+ UniUploader settings.ini file importing and exporting
! Help, addons, logo, and settings pages can now be viewed by guests
! Updated pclzip.lib from v2.3 to v2.5. zip handling should be faster/better
! Changed initial sql to not set any UU sync settings to enabled
! Permissions for certain actions have been changed
Look at the help page for more info
! Addon parser now uses .toc filename for insertion into the db
! Addon parser will now reject uploaded addon zip files with no .toc file
! Revamped look and feel of the interface
! All pages are now accessed by ?p= GET variable through index.php
interface.php can still be accessed alone, because UU < v2.5 needs it this way
! Using POST rather then GET all the buttons (delete, change, modify, etc...)
! Using error_reporting(E_ALL), removed all php notices
! Password fields when adding/editing users to actual password fields
! Addon files table to use addon_id and not addon name
! Removed all the unused overlib code
! Updated help page with more info
! UniUploader related images updated to version 2.5.0
! All UA configuration has moved to a config page
! Settings page has been changed
Each setting now has a specific input type
! Improved debug to include all SQL queries and page rendertimes
! Improved messages display
! Removed even more outdated settings from the db

You can find the download here
Last edited by zanix on Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby riverman » Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:44 am

Ok, the first one i got:

the toc filename of addons is used from the first directory in the zip file. if you upload for example the auctioneerpack it will be displayed at beancounter, because this is the first addon-folder in the zip.
that should be editable, so beancounter should be recommended, but editable :)


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UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby MattM » Tue Oct 17, 2006 2:00 am

but if the first addon in the zip has a certain TOC wont all the other addons in the same zip usually have the same TOC? Your'e right, I'm just trying to make conversation.
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UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby zanix » Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:59 am

This is one of the Known Bugs that are listed in install.txt

This change was made so only zip files with a .toc file could be uploaded and so upgrading addons would work better

I suppose it can be changed to use the zip files' name, UA 0.6.1 worked this way
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Re: UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby wacoede » Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:59 am

hello been testing UniAdmin 0.7.0 and so far i'm loving it

a couple of things i have noticed in the logo's area

firstly one thats easy to fix

the grey boxes behind the logos we upload (yes its small but it bugged the hell out of me so i did something about it) i will attach a 'patch' to this post

but for those that want to do this by hand

go to logo.php and find line 136 and change to
Code: Select all
        <td background="'.$uniadmin->url_path.'images/logo1_06.gif"><img src="'.$uniadmin->url_path.$logo_logo.'" style="width:215px;height:144px;" alt="" /></td>

then go to line 152 and change to
Code: Select all
        <td background="'.$uniadmin->url_path.'images/logo2_06.gif"><img src="'.$uniadmin->url_path.$logo_logo.'" style="width:319px;height:175px;" alt="" /></td>

then download the patch file delete the logo.php and upload the images it does work and can be viewed Here

next still in logo's (but i dont know how to fix these when adding logos to the UniAdmin it seams you have to do them in order IE logo1 then logo2 otherwise they get switched on the page (they show fine in UU)

last sometimes it takes 2 or 3 uploads of the images to get them to change in UA

but apart from those two little niggles oh and the Addons displaying the first mod in folder thing that you know of (we're trying to get all members to use Titan Bars so kinda have to have the multiple mods in one folder deal) but apart from those Good Work and keep it up :D


I think i may have just found another bug in the logo page the enable/disable function is on the visitor page instead of the admin page :S the buttons dont work (which is a good thing) but i looked in the admin area and the buttons dont appear just the text like the addons visitor page
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Last edited by wacoede on Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby zanix » Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:58 pm

Thanks for the good info

In the rush to get a beta out within a day of UniUploader's 2.5.0 release, some things may have been missed

The logo page was re-done so it could possibly handle more logos if they were ever added so one or two things may have been missed (oops)

wacoede wrote:I think i may have just found another bug in the logo page the enable/disable function is on the visitor page instead of the admin page :S the buttons dont work (which is a good thing) but i looked in the admin area and the buttons dont appear just the text like the addons visitor page

I did add user level protection to the actual functions that would change the status, so even if the buttons were visible, you still couldn't change them without the proper level. I'm glad I added this or else this would be a big bug :).
This kinda stuff happens when the auth system is re-worked to allow guest access

wacoede wrote:next still in logo's (but i dont know how to fix these when adding logos to the UniAdmin it seams you have to do them in order IE logo1 then logo2 otherwise they get switched on the page (they show fine in UU)

This has to do with the same exact logo code change, I believe it will be an easy fix

wacoede wrote:last sometimes it takes 2 or 3 uploads of the images to get them to change in UA

Hmm, wonder why this happens

but apart from those two little niggles oh and the Addons displaying the first mod in folder thing that you know of (we're trying to get all members to use Titan Bars so kinda have to have the multiple mods in one folder deal) but apart from those Good Work and keep it up

The next version is going back to using the name of the zip file, so this shouldn't be a problem anymore
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UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby zanix » Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:53 am

wacoede wrote:the grey boxes behind the logos we upload (yes its small but it bugged the hell out of me so i did something about it) i will attach a 'patch' to this post

This is because I updated all the images for UA without changing the background color
It's easier to fix than adding new files
Just change
Code: Select all

Code: Select all
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UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby shan_aya » Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:02 pm

suggest you to "uncheck" optionnal addons by default on UU or change appearance of optionnal and require addon list...

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Re: UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby wacoede » Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:10 pm

ok quick bug with Uniadmins export Settings.ini it doesn't export the CHECKEDSVLIST variables and it doesn't update it on the Uniuploader

i'll try and find the code that relates to this


think i have found it but not sure

Code: Select all
function get_ini( )

$comment "UniUploader initialization file\nAUTO generated by UniAdmin";

$result $db->query($sql);
$gen_ini = array();
$row $db->fetch_record($result) )
$gen_ini[$row['section']][$row['set_name']] = $row['set_value'];

$ini_file generate_ini_file($gen_ini,$comment);

header('Content-Type: text/x-delimtext; name="settings.ini"');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="settings.ini"');

// We need to stripslashes no matter what the setting of magic_quotes_gpc is
echo stripslashes($ini_file);


I checked the DB and the SV's are in a seprate table so it doesn't output them to UU or at least it doesn't add them to the ini file that is auto generated

possible fix
Code: Select all
function get_ini( )

$comment "UniUploader initialization file\nAUTO generated by UniAdmin";

$result $db->query($sql);
$result2 $db->query($sql2);

$gen_ini = array();
$row $db->fetch_record($result) )
$gen_ini[$row['section']][$row['set_name']] = $row['set_value'];
$row $db->fetch_record($result2) )
$gen_ini['Advanced']['CHECKEDSVLIST'] = $row['sv_name'];

$ini_file generate_ini_file($gen_ini,$comment);

header('Content-Type: text/x-delimtext; name="settings.ini"');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="settings.ini"');

// We need to stripslashes no matter what the setting of magic_quotes_gpc is
echo stripslashes($ini_file);


and as far as i understand it it would output

Code: Select all


i checked if UU could handle this and it can but i would like to check with you guys about it first

Second Edit

i think i've found why its not updating the SV's on a update aswell
Code: Select all
    // sv list
$result $db->query($sql);
$db->num_rows($result) > )
$row $db->fetch_record($result) )

i changed this to

Code: Select all
    // sv list
$result $db->query($sql);
$db->num_rows($result) > )
$row $db->fetch_record($result) )
Last edited by wacoede on Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby zanix » Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:18 am

Thanks for the fixes
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Re: UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby shan_aya » Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:52 am

in advanced TAB,
transfert file ===>wow is not sync with UU

i can mark on or off in UA 0.7, option stay on in UU
in french & english

addon is alway on , if i say addon XX is optional, client can mark it off, but it is not off by default... and no possibility to known witch addon is optionnal...just try to unmark
Last edited by shan_aya on Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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UniAdmin 0.7.0 Beta

Postby zanix » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:30 am

shan_aya wrote:hi,
in advanced TAB,
transfert file ===>wow is not sync with UU

i can mark on or off in UA 0.7, option stay on in UU
in french & english

addon is alway on , if i say addon XX is optional, client can mark it off, but it is not off by default... and no possibility to known witch addon is optionnal...just try to unmark
These are UniUploader issues and should be posted in it's forum

UniAdmin is sending everything correctly, it's up to UniUploader to parse correctly
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