It's the same file. Case sensitive. Same roster. No config changes. And it won't update easily.
First umpteenth tries failed, giving me a blank screen with in the SQL screen the "SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `thfRoster_config` ORDER BY `id` ASC;" msg.
I tried several options 'till I deleted the CharacterProfiler.lua file from my wtf<blahdiblah> folder and scanned my char anew. Then I updated with the resulting new CharacterProfiler.lua using the main password.
It worked! My main char (the only one I scanned) was updated.
I had forgotten to update the guildlist as well, so I rescanned the guild *and* my char. (del charprof.lua, rescan all in one char (except bank) and do /gp export. Then scanned the char again, 'cause I guessed it's important to check guildlist first. Why? Dunno.)
When updating this, I got it to work. ... sorta.
It was giving error msg's (I'm truly sorry didn't save them) about the profiler not being of the right version. It gave a lot of those. Then it updated my guild perfectly fine (as far as I could check). Unfortunately I couldn't get it to work with either my own charprof.lua or other people's ones... It just gave me the blank stare again...
It seems charprofiler 1.6.3 (ver 10500 in the lua?) is too new? Something at the least is wrong with it?
Last updates for me where Sep 11th Mon, 4:12pm. Then I didn't have a problem. Some others in my guild didn't have problems either. I'm hosted at (hey! It's free!). As far as I know they didn't change anything... I really suspect the luafile is off.
On which I'd say: Does wowroster give me the blank stare when it detects me updating the same lua file twice? As in, I didn't give it anything new to process, so it skipped it entirely?
I'm a phpnub and not really into coding. I got bugged, annoyed and plainly irritated by something that worked and then stopped working without me changing anything. I would have given a factual response, but I chose to 'tell' it, both explaining what I did and venting frustration...)
edit: - gonna try a lot while deducing stuff