UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby MattM » Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:15 pm

The exe file is in the bin folder.

It shows version 2.4.1 (I will change it when I release 2.5.0 final).

Please test it out! :thumleft:

edit: oh yea, changes (not including changes between 2.4.1 and beta 3):
removed "custom user agent" settings
fixed blank server response
updated built in help text
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Last edited by MattM on Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby Razac » Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:06 pm

I would love to help test it out. butI run roster through PHPNuke and I beleive I still need the newest UniAdmin .70 to be able to use the proper string.

So im kinda in a bind until that newest Uniadmin gets released.
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby Anaxent » Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:12 pm

Well Matt I have to give you props i build a test bed for you and what 5 mins later UU now works man that is great. When I get home tonight and have more time I will test the cookie handling for now I just had time to make sure it could upload with no errors. thx again
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Re: UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby MattM » Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:07 am

Razac wrote:I would love to help test it out. butI run roster through PHPNuke and I beleive I still need the newest UniAdmin .70 to be able to use the proper string.

So im kinda in a bind until that newest Uniadmin gets released.

I hear you there *nudges Zanix* :razz:
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby zanix » Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:32 am


Hey matt, I was testing this and the user agent is still
UniUploader 2.0 (UU 2.4.1; English)

Are you pulling the version number to build the user agent string?

If so, the optional addons won't work because UA checks the version number in the user agent string
(If anyone knows a better way to detect this, let me know)
Code: Select all
// Determine what version of UU is accessing this
$ua_compat_mode false;
$patterns = array();
preg_match('|UniUploader 2.0 \\(UU ([0-9].[0-9].[0-9]);|',$user->user_agent,$patterns);

if( isset(
$patterns[1]) && version_compare($patterns[1],'2.5.0','<') )
$ua_compat_mode true;
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby MattM » Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:04 am

zanix, you can still have ua output the required, toc, and version attributes for each addon

with any version of uu

its just the settings delimiters that have to be changed depending on uu version.

as far as UU 2.5.0 beta 3 showing the wrong version number, I will change the version built into UU when I release 2.5.0, it will read

Code: Select all
UniUploader 2.0 (UU 2.5.0; English)
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby zanix » Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:17 am

I made this detection so UU versions < 2.5.0 (and jUU) won't get the optional addons as those versions will download the optional ones no matter what
And it's for the delimiters obviously :tongue:

I'm going to put in an option in UA Config to "show" optional addons to UU versions < 2.5.0

And I defiantly know about the version number, so that wowroster.net won't try to "upgrade" UU 2.5.0
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby MattM » Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:01 am

heheh cool, sorry about that, hmm should i recompile it to have the right version number so you guys can test the optional addons stuff?
Last edited by MattM on Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby zanix » Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:32 am

Well, we can always edit the upgrader so that it won't try to overwrite 2.5.0
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby Anaxent » Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:47 pm

Ok Matt well the UU worked great when I allowed UU to post with out using auth. I for some reason can not figure out why it will not post while using auth at first using the settings that worked to post and using auth i recieved the can not post with out cookies error so then i changed the upload path to the login page and added an additional url to upload to the roster I did start to recive a diffrent error saying that it was the incorrect username and or password so it is a great step forward yes.

Now there is a file in the includes dir named cmsintt.inc


on line 201-210
Code: Select all
if (!substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 011 ) == 'UniUploader' 
    if (!
is_user() && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && empty($CPG_SESS['user']['uri'])) 
        if (
PHPVERS >= 43) {
cpg_error('Please enable cookies to post on this site. If you feel that you have reached this message in error please go back to the preceding page and post again');

needs to look like to post to roster with out auto allowing the user agent of UU

Code: Select all

if (!is_user() && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && empty($CPG_SESS['user']['uri'])) 
        if (
PHPVERS >= 43) {
cpg_error('Please enable cookies to post on this site. If you feel that you have reached this message in error please go back to the preceding page and post again');

Last edited by Anaxent on Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby MattM » Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:51 pm

I honestly don't know what all that is.
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby Anaxent » Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:55 am

Thx again Matt I just finished testing this version of UU using auth and works great. For the user/pw input boxes i needed to set them to ulogin2 and user_password2 for UU to pass the test with DF. Great job!!!!
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UniUploader 2.5.0 Beta 3!

Postby zanix » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:06 am

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