Adding support for storing quest description text?

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Adding support for storing quest description text?

Postby bileduct » Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:46 pm

I've written an addon for our guild to track the quests and set pieces that people have and use that info to suggest which instance would provide the most benefit for any selected combination of members.

The problem I'm running into is the later quests in the tier 0.5 set chain, quests like "Components of Importance." There's several of these bad boys, where the quest TITLE is the same, but the actual objective differs randomly from player to player.

It looks like the only thing I have to work with today is a player's quest title (and level), but that doesn't tell me anything useful here. If wowroster at least had an option to store the quest text as well as title, I could parse the description text and figure out what's what. Not a localization dream, sure, but better than nothing.

I took a peek at CharacterProfiler, and it already has an option to grab quest descriptions, by setting its "questsfull" option to true. Any way we can get wowroster to store this info if it's present? Or am I missing something, and this facility already exists?

thanks a bunch.
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Adding support for storing quest description text?

Postby zanix » Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:03 am

WoWRoster doesn't store this info because it was added only a short time ago and it's not defaulted to 'on' in CP

The same goes for quest rewards

I expect that this may be added in WoWRoster 1.8
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