1044: Access denied for user

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1044: Access denied for user

Postby Angriff » Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:34 am

Hello, I am trying to install wowroster and am very new to mysql and all this stuff in general. But first off, thanks for a wonderful (seemingly) program, looks great and cant wait to get it working. I use dot5hosting for hosting my site and my site has absolutely nothing done and no guildies have downloaded the necessary addons, I just wanted to get this working first. I'm not even sure how to post a screenshot or take one effectively but I have messed with this many many hours before asking for your help.

I created a database named roster, which shows up as feelthea_roster and a username with full permission to the DB which shows up as feelthea_angriff. I can access this database through phpmyadmin but when I do I dont have to put feelthea_angriff as my username I just need to put feelthea Either way I've tried every different combination of DB names / usernames I can think of and I can always get to step 4, where I have to download the conf.php file. I do this and upload it (i dont have to change anything here do I) and go back to finish the installation and get this

settings.php: line[102]
Could not connect to database "roster"
MySQL said:
1044: Access denied for user: 'feelthea@localhost' to database 'roster'

Like I said I can access my DB through phpmyadmin and it even shows roster_account roster_config roster_guild etc etc, 18 of those to be exact. I have contacted dot5 numerous times with complete walk throughs of my problem and they finally replied saying they have it working on their end.

I searched and found many people with similar problems but nothing that helped them fix theirs that worked for me. So please please help I will edit this with some screenshots when I figure that out. Thank you so much in advance.
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1044: Access denied for user

Postby joehail » Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:36 pm

I know this may sound like a stupid question, but did you put your password into conf.php?
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Re: 1044: Access denied for user

Postby Angriff » Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:10 am

joehail wrote:I know this may sound like a stupid question, but did you put your password into conf.php?

The conf.php is supposed to be automatically generated right? Anyway I opened it up with notepad to check and all the info looks correct.

$db_host = "localhost";
$db_name = "roster";
$db_user = "feelthea";
$db_passwd = "*******";
$db_prefix = "roster_";

Thats what the conf.php file looks like. Also, when doing the reinstall, since I've done it so many times to try all the different database names etc etc, instead of deleting the entire roster folder from my site then re-uploading everything, I've found I can just delete the conf.php file and it will let me install all over with no uploading required. Could this be messing something up?
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