Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby Zaphire » Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:28 pm

I've surfed a site (and forgot to bookmark it) that had Ventrilo information posted on the roster page w/ a script of who is online in vent etc. Anyone out that seen it?

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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby zanix » Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:26 am

I belive you can use Guild Informant to do this
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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby Ulminia » Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:24 am

and the whos online is a fature ona script used with ventrillos php script you wont find support or links here for it...
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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby Ulminia » Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:06 pm

ok gona try and please to the masses with a quick mod for that purpose but no garentees unless you have the ventrilo pro server, the script and the server have to be on the same machine... because the public version only excepts incomming udp packets on that machines ip and the loopback so unless more then 10 people say thay have pro in this section or are hosting there vent and webpage from the same coomputer this will be a no go...
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Re: Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby MattM » Tue Oct 31, 2006 7:33 pm

Ulminia wrote:ok gona try and please to the masses with a quick mod for that purpose but no garentees unless you have the ventrilo pro server, the script and the server have to be on the same machine... because the public version only excepts incomming udp packets on that machines ip and the loopback so unless more then 10 people say thay have pro in this section or are hosting there vent and webpage from the same coomputer this will be a no go...

There are situations where you can have the script on a webserver, but not on the same server as the ventrilo server.

I had an addon for guildsite that shows whos online. You can use this to get jumpstarted on a roster addon. If you want I can port it into a roster addon real quick.
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Re: Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby imagineer » Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:03 pm

Hi guys,

I wanted to clarify the ventrilo information. I just did this myself 5 minutes ago.

The ventrilo status PHP server from ventrilo's website can be used with any ventrilo server you have access to.
It does not need to be on the same server as the ventrilo server.

Trivial procedure (for Linux):
1) Download ventrilo status php zip from ventrilo website and extract
2) Download ventrilo server for linux and extract (to get ventrilo_status program)
3) Edit ventrilotest.php and change the ventrilo_status directory to point to ventrilo_status.
4) Edit ventrilotest.php to have the IP address and port.

That's it. The key is to download both the php status zip and the server. You need the server package just for the ventrilo_status program.

An addon would definitely be nice for this for wowroster. I imagine a conf.php where user would input the ventrilo ip and port, and that's it. The front page of wowroster, next to the menu or below the menu, would show who's on the vent server.

Maybe an option to show just users, and an option to show users + channels (and leave out the empty channels).

All the best,
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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby Ulminia » Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:15 am

got the script madse view it at my test server but i cannot connect to my server where its a free host at home one
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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby MattM » Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:35 am

whats the address?
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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby imagineer » Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:15 am

His test server is ... e=ventrilo

The issue with that message is that you need to "chmod 755 ventrilo_status" so it can be executed.

Do a "ls -l" on some of the other scripts to see who the user and group is, then do "chown user:group ventrilo_status".

The whole issue is that the web server needs permissions to run it. Can you upload the script and I can test it out on my server?

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Re: Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby Ulminia » Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:04 am

here you go i have all files in the folder 777 and nothen i dont think thay work on that server
ventrillo status for wow roster 1.7.1
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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby imagineer » Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:33 am

I installed it on my server and got the same error you did. I fixed it.

In the ventrilostatus.php script, you need to change:
Code: Select all
$cmdline = escapeshellarg( $cmdline );

Code: Select all
$cmdline = escapeshellcmd( $cmdline );

Then it will run fine. ... rilo_addon

Now my question is, can you make it so that it only displays the channels that have people in it (and hide the empty ones)? Also can you make it use the gif files (green and red ones) so it looks like the interface of ventrilo?

After these changes. this addon should be in the sticky since it is most useful.

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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby Ulminia » Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:38 am

see what i can do
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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby imagineer » Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:27 pm

Very much looking forward to being able to toggle the views:
1) Show online users
2) Show online users and their channel
3) Show all channels including empty ones

As well as the option to show on the front page in a box like pvp stats.

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Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby Ulminia » Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:26 pm

ok some quick notes
1 its gone be harder then hell to only get channels with users to show because the script loops the channels then the user in them not useres then channel sorry
as for pvp like display comming alone nicly
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Re: Ventrilo Information on Roster Page

Postby MattM » Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:49 am

Ulminia wrote:ok some quick notes
1 its gone be harder then hell to only get channels with users to show because the script loops the channels then the user in them not useres then channel sorry
as for pvp like display comming alone nicly

maybe you could parse the output from ventrilo_status and push it into an array with a data structure that allows for more advanced stuff.
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