phpBB-Header above the Roster-Header

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phpBB-Header above the Roster-Header

Postby metacortex » Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:01 am

I'm looking for a way to integrate the roster in my phpBB-forum. To make a link in the phpBB-header isn't the problem, linking to the roster-index-page.

Now I thought about, that I would be possible to show the regular phpBB-Header above the wowroster header, so I "feel" like beeing still on the same site and not leaving the forum to visit the roster. The other positiv effekt is, that I can navigate then back to the forum-categories and some other build-in phpBB-Mods.

My question now is: How can I implement the phpBB-Header above the roster-header and if possible, what files do I have to change/extend?

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phpBB-Header above the Roster-Header

Postby sileed » Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:16 am

without using iFrames this is messy (and looks/acts messy with iFrames :) )
I tried it it working not half bad, but had some CSS issues with trying to get roster looking good, while matching the phpbb look/feel.

essentially I did this: installed roster to the root of my phpbb folder, renaming files, folders where appropriate (index.php became roster.php for example)
Then I editted each file from roster to call the header/footer than a normal phpbb page would call.

Again it worked..but it took alot of coding. This was also with Roster 1.6.0
When 1.7.0 came out - I would have had to recode everything etc..
I had done quite a bit of modding to it (like movng the menu beside the roster display (in two tables) etc..

In the end I didn't feel it was worth it to recode after each Roster update...
I don't have the test site to show anyone anymore either...sorry.

Post any problems here if you start to code it..I'll help if I can.
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Re: phpBB-Header above the Roster-Header

Postby metacortex » Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:08 am

First Thanks for your answer,
but I think recoding the whole package after a new roster-release is too much work.

I tried the iFrame "mod", but it would'n work, because there are some template-conflicts between my phpBB-template (WoWMaevEmpire) and the template (subSilver) the mod was coded for!?

Maybe the author of this mod has an idea how to make the iFrames-Solution work with my template..
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phpBB-Header above the Roster-Header

Postby Vipralion » Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:18 am

This sounds like fun. I have experience with extending the power of phpbb across a plain php website I've made and it works quite well. Especially after I became familiar with the phpbb script.

My semester break begins in 3 days. From there I will be waist deep in arrays, variables, and sessions to see how my efforts go in creating a mod that incorporates roster into phpbb.

Anywho, my plan is to incorporate wowroster into phpbb. PHPBB2 for the time being. I have no desire to begin coding such a mod for a beta version of phpbb3 (currently beta 4) although I will definitely do so once phpbb3 is publicly released.

This sounds like so much fun. I just want my finals to be over with so I can start coding.
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Re: phpBB-Header above the Roster-Header

Postby Veliane » Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:19 am

I hope we will be allowed to see the results soon :) :thumright:
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phpBB-Header above the Roster-Header

Postby metacortex » Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:00 pm

Vipralion - Are there any news about your integration concept?
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phpBB-Header above the Roster-Header

Postby ippe » Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:00 am
It's just get all information from
Last edited by ippe on Fri May 11, 2007 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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phpBB-Header above the Roster-Header

Postby daysee » Wed May 09, 2007 11:37 am

Wow Im suprised no one has commented on this.

this is a great idea, but I wish the solution (if it is one) posted above gave more instruction - I mean what the heck is mebut.php :(
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Re: phpBB-Header above the Roster-Header

Postby TAGuild » Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:17 am

I just saw this post.

I don't think there is going to be a simple easy cut and paste way to do this. You just have to know enough of your own sites code to know what to do.

Here is what I have done for the guild I am in site.

Roster was a pain in the butt to modify around, but eqDKP is even proving to be even more difficult.

Now this was done in a short period of time, and once i get everything in place I plan on going back and realigning the title and adding streamlining this, but I assure you that even if I provided step by step details (which I would be happy to do) it isn't a sure thing that it will work for your site unless you know the concept behind what is being done.
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