Here are some guidelines to follow
- Make sure your addon conforms to the Roster AddOn Framework Standards as close as possible
- Download the Roster AddOns SDK for a good start
- Look at other addons for additional examples
(AddOns with the Seal of Approval are best examples)
So, you made a roster addon and want to share with the community
First of all...
Thanks for being a part of the community and contributing to it!
We really appreciate it
Now, here are some guidelines to follow
- Make sure your addon conforms to the Roster AddOn Framework Standards as close as possible
- Be prepared to get flooded with support/help/"I want this" requests
Next is to post your addon in this forum
It must have the following info
- Name
- What it does
Next, here is what the admins do
- We make your very own forum
- You are made a mod of that forum
- We approve the new addon in the downloads section
Sounds all simple huh?
Now get to making addons!