In fact, frFR localization translate also style shhet and display of good colors classes is broken (except for mage en paladin since french and english are same words)
To solve this add missing entries inside css stylesheet.
Edit the style.css file located in css folder from the root and add :
- Code: Select all
/*Add Frigolet Localization frFR */
.classDruidetxt { color:#FF7C0A; }
.classChasseurtxt { color:#AAD372; }
.classMagetxt { color:#68CCEF; }
.classPaladintxt { color:#F48CBA; }
.classPrêtretxt { color:#FFFFFF; }
.classVoleurtxt { color:#FFF468; }
.classShamantxt { color:#F48CBA; }
.classDémonistetxt { color:#9382C9; }
.classGuerriertxt { color:#C69B6D; }
/* End Frigolet Localization frFR */
By doing that you're enabling class coloring like in game for frFR Roster setting.