Multiple Guild Banks

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Multiple Guild Banks

Postby Demiurg » Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:40 am


I dont know if the bank feature is an addon, i think its it is not, so im posting here, excuse me if i was wrong.

Our guild has 4 guild banks for different purposes and 3 of those are added in the roster and they do show correctly. Resently we made a nother one (4-th one) and when i add it as a guild bank i can only see the only bank content i just added. There is some strange behavior with the banks, let me give you an example.

Bank 1 (main guildbank)
Bank 2
Bank 3
Bank 4 ( new one )

When i add bank 4 i can see only Bank 4 other banks are not shown.
When i add Bank 2 or 3 after i added Bank 4 i can only see Bank 2 or 3.
When i add Bank 1 i can see the same picture as it was at the beginning, meaning Bank 1, Bank 2, Bank 3.

I was wondering is there something wrong i do while adding those banks, or its a limit of 3. If i do something wrong i would really appretiate some help with this issue.

Thanks in advance.
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Multiple Guild Banks

Postby zanix » Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:12 am

Depending if its the catagorized guildbank (roster addon)
Code: Select all

Or the ones integrated into roster
Code: Select all

They all use the same config to detect bankers in the roster config page ... #Guildbank

Find a common thing with all the bankers
Either their name, guildrank title, or player note and enter that into the "Banker Search Text" box
Then select what field you used in the "Banker Search Field" box

So in your case, do one of the following
  • Give all your bankers their own guildrank (such as "Banker")
    enter that into the "Banker Search Text" box and set "Banker Search Field" to "guildtitle"
  • Set the player note of all your banks the same (again, such as "Banker")
    enter that into the "Banker Search Text" box and set "Banker Search Field" to "player note"
  • Use the first part of their names "Bank" into the "Banker Search Text" box
    and set "Banker Search Field" to "player name"

This guide has just been placed on the wiki ... #Guildbank

If the above doesnt help, post a link to your roster and we may be able to help further
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Re: Multiple Guild Banks

Postby Demiurg » Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:56 pm

Thank you very much zanix for your help.

I changed the guild rank of the 4-th bank as they were with all others and it worked, thank you again.
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Re: Multiple Guild Banks

Postby Helm » Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:12 pm

Hello Zanix,

does this change:

means I can add a second Guildbank Button? coz it is exactly what I am looking for (guildbank and Raidbank), in what file do i do the change?
And could I also change the Buttonname into Raidbank?

Thx a lot

edit: ahh damn, I think its just a nother File in the Folder Roster, Isnt it?
Last edited by Helm on Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Multiple Guild Banks

Postby PleegWat » Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:31 am

They all use the same guildbank identification settings. So they won't help you.

You could transform one of them into an addon and give it its own settings though. Or easier, make a copy of the categorized guildbank addon and set a different value for the bank settings in the top of index.php. Dunno if catgb works in a changed dirname though.
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