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Postby Anaxent » Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:32 pm

You may need to change the image display settings in the roster config for realmstatus.
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Re: WoWRosterDF

Postby RottGutt » Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:31 am

RottGutt wrote:
Anaxent wrote:Ok the download has been updated and now includes the siggen. I do have more addons that are working ill get them ready and start uploading them as well soon.

Thanks! I uploaded and configured just the SigGen portion of the download. Upon configuration it shows the Sigs and Avatars fine, but does not save them to the Saved/ folder on the server. I have set the folder permissions to 777 to allow writing of the Sigs and Avatars, but they are not showing up. Any suggestions?

Any luck on figuring out why Sigs & Avatars are not being saved to the /saved folder?
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Re: WoWRosterDF

Postby daarjan » Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:16 am

Hey, thanks for this port. Seems fairly complete except for the guildbank stuff and max resists.

I do have a question... I'm upgrading from another port. My item tables all have the image paths separated with //. In my old code, this was dealt with by an eregi. This seems to have been removed.

First, any clue why this is like that? Second, any easy way you know of to fix this? I mean, I can probably find all the paths in all the tables and tweak them, but if you have the code to just replace the data, that would be cool.

Thanks again!
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Re: WoWRosterDF

Postby RottGutt » Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:07 am

RottGutt wrote:
RottGutt wrote:
Anaxent wrote:Ok the download has been updated and now includes the siggen. I do have more addons that are working ill get them ready and start uploading them as well soon.

Thanks! I uploaded and configured just the SigGen portion of the download. Upon configuration it shows the Sigs and Avatars fine, but does not save them to the Saved/ folder on the server. I have set the folder permissions to 777 to allow writing of the Sigs and Avatars, but they are not showing up. Any suggestions?

Any luck on figuring out why Sigs & Avatars are not being saved to the /saved folder?

This was fixed by uploading the updated trigger.php file.
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Postby Graiford » Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:29 pm

Pondering whether to make another thread for this or not, but I'll try here first. Have two brand new installations of the roster, everything seems to be working except for reputation. It's really kind of odd actually, im pretty stumped. Click on Reputation, it brings me to the page I can choose faction, which I choose and then click Apply, after which I get this horrible message:

A database error has occurred. The webmaster has been notified of the error


* CMS Warning line 51: On /index.php?name=spiritusrosterdf&file=addon&roster_addon_name=reputation&factionfilter=Argent+Dawn While executing query " AND'Argent Dawn' ORDER BY max_rep desc, r.standing DESC, curr_rep DESC" the following error occured: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND'Argent Dawn' ORDER BY max_rep desc, r.standing DESC, curr_rep DESC' at line 1 In: /home/promorp/public_html/spiritus/modules/spiritusrosterdf/lib/wowdb.php on line: 59

Looked at the syntax on that page, at it seems FINE. Also, to be completely honest, I have no idea whats WRONG with the syntax it outlines in the error. Any thoughts?
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Postby Anaxent » Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:20 pm

I have fixed this and will make available soon.
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Postby Graiford » Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:19 pm

any update on status? not trying to be a pest, just wondering :)
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Postby Anaxent » Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:50 pm

Just finishing up a little bit more testing and fixing the links so it will work with the leo link engine in the future. I would also like to get a Event block created before I release this. I also recieved a pm yesterday letting me know of an install/uninstall issue im looking into as well. So today is sunday I now have 3 days off every week tuse - thurs so I should be able to get this done by then.
If anyone has any cool ideas for blocks or would like to help me code as well please let me know.
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Re: WoWRosterDF

Postby Bedevere » Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:00 am

RottGutt wrote:
RottGutt wrote:Any luck on figuring out why Sigs & Avatars are not being saved to the /saved folder?

Try this:
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Re: WoWRosterDF

Postby RottGutt » Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:55 am

Bedevere wrote:
RottGutt wrote:
RottGutt wrote:Any luck on figuring out why Sigs & Avatars are not being saved to the /saved folder?

Try this:

Thanks Bedevere!
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Postby Kalima » Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:51 am

I am still getting the below error on a fresh install of WoWRosterDF when accesing the reputation for Argent Dawn or any other faction. Is there a fix for this?

Thanks in advance.


A database error has occurred. The webmaster has been notified of the error


* CMS Warning line 51: On /index.php?name=spiritusrosterdf&file=addon&roster_addon_name=reputation&factionfilter=Argent+Dawn While executing query " AND'Argent Dawn' ORDER BY max_rep desc, r.standing DESC, curr_rep DESC" the following error occured: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND'Argent Dawn' ORDER BY max_rep desc, r.standing DESC, curr_rep DESC' at line 1 In: /home/promorp/public_html/spiritus/modules/spiritusrosterdf/lib/wowdb.php on line: 59
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Postby zanix » Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:11 am

I fixed this on mine

open addons/reputation/membersRep.php
Code: Select all

$query "SELECT member, r.faction, fct_name, r.value, ".
"( substring( r.value, 1, locate('/', r.value)-1) + 0 ) AS curr_rep, ".
"( substring( r.value, locate('/', r.value)+1, length(r.value)-locate('/', r.value)) + 0 ) AS max_rep, ".
"r.standing ".
"WHERE r.member_id = m.member_id";

if( (isset(
$_REQUEST['factionfilter'])) && (($_REQUEST['factionfilter']) != 'All') )
$query .= " AND'".$_REQUEST['factionfilter']."'";

$query .=  " ORDER BY max_rep desc, r.standing DESC, curr_rep DESC";

$qry_fct "SELECT distinct(name) fct_name FROM ".ROSTER_REPUTATIONTABLE." ORDER BY name"

Code: Select all
if(!defined('CPG_NUKE')) { exit(); }

$query "SELECT `m`.`name` AS member, `m`.`member_id`,`r`.`faction`, `r`.`name` AS fct_name, `r`.`value`, ".
"( substring( `r`.`value`, 1, locate('/', `r`.`value`)-1) + 0 ) AS curr_rep, ".
"( substring( `r`.`value`, locate('/', `r`.`value`)+1, length(`r`.`value`)-locate('/', `r`.`value`)) + 0 ) AS max_rep, ".
"`r`.`standing` ".
"WHERE `r`.`member_id` = `m`.`member_id`";

if( (isset(
$_REQUEST['factionfilter'])) && (($_REQUEST['factionfilter']) != 'All') )
$query .= " AND `r`.`name` = '".$wowdb->escape($_REQUEST['factionfilter'])."'";

$query .=  " ORDER BY max_rep DESC, r.standing DESC, curr_rep DESC";

$qry_fct "SELECT distinct(name) fct_name FROM ".ROSTER_REPUTATIONTABLE." ORDER BY name"
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WoWRoster v2.1 - SigGen v0.3.3.523 - WoWRosterDF
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Re: WoWRosterDF

Postby Kalima » Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:53 am

That worked perfectly! Thanks so much, now the site is running pretty well. I want to add more addons eventually.
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Re: WoWRosterDF

Postby Kalima » Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:08 am

I posted this in another thread but I thought I would try again in this thread:

I am really interested in adding on more addons to my WoWRosterDF site. Specifically I want to add the Event Calendar addon. I know the standalone WoWRoster addons don't won't work with the integration. I see Event Calendar working this site:

Is there a download for more addons than what is on this site? There are only four addons as downloads on this site, and not Event Calendar. I don't know what is involved in porting over an addon, but since it looks like it has already been done, can anyone share?

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Postby Anaxent » Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:11 am

Yes I do have alot more addons that have been ported over to wowrosterdf but most are in testing stages as of now. Im just about done porting roster to DF for a main release once this is done I will start releasing all the ported addons that i have as well.
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