Guild Mistrust of Roster

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Guild Mistrust of Roster

Postby scottelsdon » Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:14 pm

Absolute pish and tosh,

I've been running the guild roster with your wonderful roster installed plus some magnificent 3rd party addons.

We had some initial problems convincing people to use it, had to hide the mailbox, the bags, and bank and gold for characters, and people then started to drift in.

But this weekend the Guild leader and one other guy had a trojan installed from a pop up on ( warnign there then) which passed on their details to someone. The GM's account was raped and three of the guild banks. Gutted eh. Now the GM know it isnt roster, but the small minded few who mistrust it and somehow think that displaying their character will enable someone to have their username and password.

I hope you can appriciate how frustrated I am about this and their small mindedness, but they had a poll vote and the majority didint trust it,

stupid breeds stupid :neutral:
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Guild Mistrust of Roster

Postby AnthonyB » Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:40 pm

Did they form a posse and go out and burn some witches too?

My god, excuse the offense if they are friends but they are so retarded there no point even trying to make them see reason and logic as it is WAY beyond their peasized brains and blinkered views.
Roster 2.0.2 svn [latest] latest trunk SVN svn [latest] running on IIS7/Windows Server 2008 SP2 | MySQL 5.0.85 | PHP 5.2.10 | Yes, Roster and PHP rocks on IIS! Even run as FastCGI extension!
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Guild Mistrust of Roster

Postby scottelsdon » Mon Sep 25, 2006 5:55 pm

Lol, thats why I'm posting here instead of on the guild forum. I have a habit of saying a spade is a spade and some of them can take offence real easy, especially the double digit IQ brigade. The guild forum is alive atm with people screaming for their missing Siggens, other people recommending Firefox, virus checkers and fiewalls, and others just a little bemused.

Its quite hard to bite my tounge at the fools who actually think the roster was some kind of back door pass for hackers to peruse their character and then hunt them down for their passwords.



sob, i loved messing about with the roster, and finding a new addon, readign up on it, adding it, and ttestign then tellign everyone about it was a highlight of an otherwise dull week :-(
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Guild Mistrust of Roster

Postby zanix » Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:30 am

Wow, this really sucks

I hate ignorance...
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