Step 4 then forbid config.php (Confuserating)

Installation issues with WoWRoster

Step 4 then forbid config.php (Confuserating)

Postby WalterusM » Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:59 pm

After several scrubs and reinstalls of all files and the database I am at this point. I get to stage 4 (see attachment 1) then I click on “continue to roster config”. After I click I get a page saying “Access to the URL that you requested, /wowroster/admin/config.php, is forbidden.”(see other attachment 2) I have checked and the permissions are set to 666 and I even tried 777 and still no go.

Other things I have tried…
1. I read in one forum about changing the name of the config.php file so I tried that then figured I would have to change all instances in all the other php files that would link back to the config.php file. So I did that worked, kinda, I did get up to the config area but was never able to upload… Got no errors just would do nothing after I tried to upload with the characterprofiler.lua and officer password.

2. I also looked into the .htaccess file and removed the following lines : # disable access to config.php and .ht* from a browser <FilesMatch "^(config\.php|\.ht)"> Deny from all</FilesMatch>
Didn’t want to do that since it is a safety precaution. Anyway, that did not work either.

I know that my data has been exported form game because i currently use wow guild manager and it works like a charm. Would rather be using wowroster though!!!
Let me know what more info I could provide that may help solve my issue.

atach_1.jpg (67.38 KiB) Viewed 847 times
atach_2.jpg (30.67 KiB) Viewed 847 times
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Step 4 then forbid config.php (Confuserating)

Postby zanix » Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:52 am

I notice that error screen, do you use DragonFly CMS?

If so, look in the Integration section of our site then under DragonFly
Anaxent has done a wonderful job porting roster to a DF module
(as of right now, it's kinda bugged but any day now he's gonna update it)
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Step 4 then forbid config.php (Confuserating)

Postby WalterusM » Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:17 am

Thanks Zanix, I tried Anaxent's Module with no luck. Kept directing me to the wrong path to the update.php file. No worries though, it gave me some insite on my original problem. I went back to the original installation and fixed it then made my own module. Now everything works great. Scorned Roster I'm not going to tell you what the problem was, I'll just tell you I feel like an idiot.

Great job on the Roster by the way!
Last edited by WalterusM on Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Step 4 then forbid config.php (Confuserating)

Postby zanix » Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:36 pm

lol, we're all times more so than others :tongue:
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