Hosting....CPU Limitation question.

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Hosting....CPU Limitation question.

Postby Nomad_Wanderer » Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:18 pm

First off, if this is the wrong forum, apologies. Please move it to the appropriate forum. Thanks.

I use bluehost for a personal website. This website is a low activity/low use site. Bluehost has been good for this purpose so far.

We use a guildie's home computer and net connection for our phpbb2, and our wowroster.

We now need to move the PHPBB2 and WoWroster things Off of this home computer to a 3rd party provider/host

Bluehost has recently implemented a CPU limiter. The following statement came from them:

The current CPU limit is set at 30 seconds per user per minute of CPU time (Out of a total of 240 seconds).

When that limit is reached, bandwidth to your site is cutoff, until the cpu use returns below the amount. In essence killing your forum, roster, w/e.

I'm not familiar with that terminology. I'd be much more comfortable with a percentage...I don't understand if our guild's phpbb2 and wowroster implementations will reach that limit.

What sizes of things/or activity levels in WowRoster should make me concerned about the above CPU limit? We currently have the PVPLog, Raidtracker, and Uni upload/download addons enabled.

If you also happen to run PHPBB2, could you answer the above as well? If not it's okay, I'm going to make a seperate post over at PHPBB2.

Finally, you all are using hosts exactly for the purposes I want to. If the above CPU limit is of concern, what hosts do you use, how long have you used them, and what functionality are you using them for (Roster+addons, + forums, etc)?

Thanks very much for your advice and time.
Nomad_Wanderer Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:23 pm

Hosting....CPU Limitation question.

Postby Splash » Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:00 pm

Can't really help you on CPU load as I haven't got shell access to my hosts server, but for what I pay for my guild's hosting (IPB Forums, RaidNinja and Roster) I can heartily recommend - they're a small operation but I've had very little downtime, and the service is good - check them out. I'm using the £1.99 a month package and have no issues with anything (we have just shy of 170 guildies, if your guild is much bigger it may be worth looking at the higher spec packages). I've used TSOHost for about 6-8 months for this guild site and for a couple of years for another site and had 2 periods of downtime, both of which were resolved quickly.
Splash Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:47 pm

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