Plethora of problems uploading~

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby Gargaroth » Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:17 am

Hello how is everyone?

Just quickly, to the moderators/admins, I have read EVERYTHING there is to read on uploading (Wiki's, every single topic in forum on uploading, other random forums etc) ---> so please dont suggest to go read all of that again lol.

I do not know where my problem lies, so I will merely outline all the things that I believe might possibly cause it.

I have installed WoWRoster fairly easily.. Configured my Guild Name (The Order of Melchizedek) and server name (Barthilas) correctly - without speeling mistakes lol. The problem occurs when I try to upload my "CharacterProfile.lua" (I have put in the password). The result is.... nothing! <see attachment>

Another problem, I do not know how related, occurs when I access the Roster Config Main Settings, and every other setting for that matter.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/theorde/public_html/apps/roster/admin/config.php on line 300

This error appears above the WoW Roster banner.

Also, when I enter the Roster Diagnostic menu, this set of errors appears under the password entry box:

Realm Status GD image mode enabled (rs_mode = on) in Config but FreeType support was not found.
Either load the Freetype extension in PHP or set (rs_mode = off) in Roster Config
MOTD GD image mode enabled (motd_display_mode = on) in Config but FreeType support was not found.
Either load the Freetype extension in PHP or set (motd_display_mode = off) in Roster Config

I am the first to admit that I am a noob at php coding and have no clue what any of that means.

Lastly (thank God I hear people saying), is the fact that a 'critical error' is contained within the /roster/lib/phpbb.php file. <see attachment>
Can someone explain this error to me, as I do not have the phpbb forum installed.

Thanking you all in advance & sorry for the extremely long post~
roster-lib error.jpg
My second problem.. Or is it even a problem??
roster-lib error.jpg (31.91 KiB) Viewed 878 times
My main problem, nothing will upload...
uploaderror.jpg (33.55 KiB) Viewed 878 times
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Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby zanix » Thu Sep 21, 2006 1:18 pm

That critical error just means that you have an outdated file
It's safe to either update it or just delete it

As for your problem, we have yet to figure out why this happens on some servers. They give no error messages so we have no idea what may be causing it

The only things I suggest checking are that php allows file uploads and open_basedir is either off or set to php's upload temp dir (you can find these settings in roster diag)
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Re: Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby Gargaroth » Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:48 pm

still not working......
wowroster has been sitting there for a while now. gone through all the *.php files to try fix ANYTHING and still nothing.
can someone please tell me how i can get WoW Roster working please?~
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Re: Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby degilead » Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:20 am

I am having this same problem. No other ideas?
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Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby zanix » Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:28 am

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Re: Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby Luckygirl » Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:46 pm

I'm having a similar problem just now. Everything has been working fine for two days now since I installed and started having members upload. I was adding in the itemsets addon and maxresists addon. Ended up deleted maxresist. Afterwards I tried to do an update and instead of the in roster menu of what i just updated, it came up with a plain white screen with one character's changes listed in the upper left. I did a diag and got this.


Crap what did I just mess up? Like I said it was working earlier.
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Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby Luckygirl » Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:51 pm

Well I'm confused. It worked fine now when I did character and guild update. Both worked fine. Still curious what that diag thing is.

BTW - you guys rock for making this stuff and supporting these forums. Thankyou very much.
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Re: Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby Gargaroth » Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:41 am

hey zanix...
i edited update.php in the admin folder and added what u said to,
still no joy.
same as before.
what now?
Last edited by Gargaroth on Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby zanix » Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:55 am

Not sure...
What I linked to is the only thing left that I know of that may be the reason
Last edited by zanix on Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby Gargaroth » Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:48 pm

hmmm i have a funny feeling that its something so simple...

in the meantime, how do i fix this?

Realm Status GD image mode enabled (rs_mode = on) in Config but FreeType support was not found.
Either load the Freetype extension in PHP or set (rs_mode = off) in Roster Config
MOTD GD image mode enabled (motd_display_mode = on) in Config but FreeType support was not found.
Either load the Freetype extension in PHP or set (motd_display_mode = off) in Roster Config


ty for your help btw!
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Re: Plethora of problems uploading~

Postby sileed » Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:16 pm

You need to ask your hosting company to turn on Freetype Support in GD2

Or, turn off the MOTD in graphic mode and Siggen (since it requires Freetype Support)
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