Hello how is everyone?
Just quickly, to the moderators/admins, I have read EVERYTHING there is to read on uploading (Wiki's, every single topic in forum on uploading, other random forums etc) ---> so please dont suggest to go read all of that again lol.
I do not know where my problem lies, so I will merely outline all the things that I believe might possibly cause it.
I have installed WoWRoster fairly easily.. Configured my Guild Name (The Order of Melchizedek) and server name (Barthilas) correctly - without speeling mistakes lol. The problem occurs when I try to upload my "CharacterProfile.lua" (I have put in the password). The result is.... nothing! <see attachment>
Another problem, I do not know how related, occurs when I access the Roster Config Main Settings, and every other setting for that matter.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/theorde/public_html/apps/roster/admin/config.php on line 300
This error appears above the WoW Roster banner.
Also, when I enter the Roster Diagnostic menu, this set of errors appears under the password entry box:
Realm Status GD image mode enabled (rs_mode = on) in Config but FreeType support was not found.
Either load the Freetype extension in PHP or set (rs_mode = off) in Roster Config
MOTD GD image mode enabled (motd_display_mode = on) in Config but FreeType support was not found.
Either load the Freetype extension in PHP or set (motd_display_mode = off) in Roster Config
I am the first to admit that I am a noob at php coding and have no clue what any of that means.
Lastly (thank God I hear people saying), is the fact that a 'critical error' is contained within the /roster/lib/phpbb.php file. <see attachment>
Can someone explain this error to me, as I do not have the phpbb forum installed.
Thanking you all in advance & sorry for the extremely long post~